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“It certainly is. But you sound kind of…”

Yup. There she goes. “Everything is fine, Mom. I had a good morning in court. Everything’s under control.”

It’s not a lie. Everything is under control at the office. Of course, the city of Snow Creek could probably run itself, but I won’t say that to my mother. She takes her job very seriously.

“I’m glad to hear that. I knew you would be a great assistant city attorney. In fact, I have a lot to talk to you about.”


“Let’s leave it until we get home. We’ll talk after we get Dad settled back in.”

“Sure, Mom.”

Just as well. As much as I would love a distraction from everything else that’s going on, I’m not sure I can handle anything new my mom is going to throw at me. She certainly sounds like it’s good news. Or she’s just happy that my father is finally being released from the hospital. Probably both. I’m pretty good at reading my mom. If it were something bad, I’d be able to tell.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m sure looking forward to getting back home,” she says.

“It’ll be great to have you both home,” I say.

“I hear Dale and Ashley are almost moved out.”

“They’re working on it.”

“I’m sure you’ll be happy not to be living with your parents.”

“You know I don’t mind that. In fact, I’m happy to stay longer if you need help with Dad.”

“That’s so kind of you, Donny. You’re sweet to suggest it, but we’re going to have a live-in nurse for a while until he’s completely recovered.”

“All right. If you’re sure.”

So much else weighs on my mind, none of which I want to burden my mother with. Especially since some of it may concern her, my father, and the rest of the family. How much have they been hiding from us over the years?

“Yes, I’m sure. I can’t rely on you for everything. You need to have your own life too. Dad and I have been talking, and it’s time for you to choose your plot of land on the property. I can’t expect you to live in the guesthouse forever.”

“Wow. I guess I hadn’t even thought of that. But since I’m back in town for the duration now, I suppose I should have my own place.”

“Of course you should. You’re the second oldest of all your siblings and cousins. Now that Dale’s is almost complete, it’s time for you to think about yours.”

Except I don’t want to think about it. Building a home means preparing for a family. I won’t be doing that because I have to let Callie—the only woman I’ve ever considered having a family with—go.

But I can’t let Mom think I’m having any reservations.

“I’ll get on it.”

“Good. And don’t forget the big party this weekend to celebrate your dad’s homecoming.”

“Of course.”

I love a good Steel party as much as anyone, but boy, am I not in the partying mood.

“I’ll talk to you soon, Donny. And I’ll see you soon.”

“Right, Mom. So glad to hear everything is going well.”

After ending the call, I stare at my computer. I haven’t heard from Callie, so I don’t know if she’s on her way back to the western slope yet. Dad’s coming home. Big party this weekend.


Tags: Helen Hardt Steel Brothers Saga Erotic