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Before we go downstairs to open the shop, he pulls me into his arms. “Thank you for being here with me.”

"There is honestly nowhere else on this planet I'd rather be right now. Today is going to run flawlessly, and we're going to sell a lot of new items."

“I hope you’re right,” he says.

“It’s called manifesting,” I quip. “Oakley is a queen at it.”

“I love it,” he says, kissing me before we head downstairs.

As soon as he turns on the lights, a few employees who are scheduled for today trickle in. Pop music is playing overhead, and I look around, amazed by how updated the place is. The LED lights and huge windows in the front really brighten up the place. Easton purchased a bunch of old surfboards to display, and it's hard not to love the new vibe. We even got an updated computer system to make checking people out easier. The layout will help him sell more than before, and I can't wait to see how it goes.

Soon, Easton unlocks the door, and to my surprise, there is a line of people waiting to enter. Within five minutes, the shop is packed so full that I'm scared the Fire Marshall will shut the place down.

The influencers Piper scheduled arrive, and then the next thing I know, it's a madhouse. Easton walks around and helps people find items while I stay at the counter with Nova and ring people up. It's non-stop scanning and swiping debit cards. Aubree is busy restocking items as soon as shelves go bare, and though hours pass, it feels like a few minutes.

The news station arrives, and Easton is pulled outside in front of the shop. He makes eye contact with me and waves me over. When a new hire named Jalinda steps in, I join him. I notice the sidewalk is still full of people waiting to enter, and I’m amazed.

Easton smiles and pulls me close as the news anchor and cameraman count down.

"Here we are with Easton Belvedere, the twenty-eight-year-old who owns Belvederes Surf and Suits. A tragedy ensued a few months ago, and his shop burned to the ground. Today is the grand re-opening. Easton, please tell us a little bit about your shop."

Looking like a movie star, Easton wraps his arm around me and explains his love for the sport and why he decided to make a business out of his passion.

“That’s incredible,” she states.

"It really is. If it weren't for my girlfriend, who encouraged me to keep going and helped make sure we opened in a timely manner, I'm not sure we'd be standing here right now."

I smile at the camera, heat meeting my cheeks. “Please don’t let him downplay it. He’s so passionate about surfing that this would’ve happened without me. I’m just honored that I’ve been able to help in the ways that I can.”

“So, Tatum, what do you love most about the shop?”

I laugh. “That’s easy. When you have someone running a place like this who actually loves surfing, it makes a huge difference. Easton is an honest and kind man who is willing to help people when they’re lost. Without him in the forefront, there would be no shop. I think it’s one of the strengths of the business and why I think it will be around for decades to come.”

“That’s incredible. Anything else you’d like to add to that, Easton?” She holds the microphone out for him.

"We'll be here until six today, and you can find out our store hours on the website. You can always shop online if you don't feel like getting out. Don't forget to use the hashtag Belvedere Surf to all of your beach posts to be entered to win a five-hundred-dollar gift certificate. No purchase necessary!"

“You heard it from the owner, folks. Come out and see them, buy some suits or accessories, and don’t forget about that giveaway.”

The cameraman counts down, and as soon as we're off-air, they both thank us. Immediately, Easton leans over and kisses me. "You're too good to me."

I grab the bottom hem of his shirt. “You can prove it to me later tonight.”

“Deal,” he bites my bottom lip between his teeth.

"Ahem," I hear from behind, and when Easton turns, he laughs.

“Tristan,” he states, his brother pulling him into a hug.

"You know I couldn't miss this," he says with Piper close to him, who's wearing oversized sunglasses that cover her face and a baggy T-shirt to hide her bump.

"Oh my God! Tatum!" She yelps and pulls me into a hug. Of course, there are paparazzi across the street taking photos, but it's all for exposure. "Finally, I get to meet you! And you're gorgeous."

“I owe you triple hugs for everything you’ve done for us!” I explain, squeezing her again. “Look at how adorable you are.”

I glance down at her pregnant belly, and she places a hand on it. "Thank you. Still trying to get used to it all."

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance