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Tatum angles her head slightly to look at Bear. “You’re really good at your job. I had no idea.”

“That’s the point. Tristan didn’t want you to know. Stay out of sight until I’m needed. He was concerned about you two.”

“He saved our lives,” Tatum whispers, and I nod.

“I know, we’ll call him later,” I tell her, rubbing my hand slowly down her back.

Once the fire trucks and police cars arrive, more people rush over. They're gasping and holding out their cell phones to record. Finally, the emergency responders arrive and push their way through the crowd.

“Alright, back up, everyone. We need to secure the scene,” an officer shouts, waving people back.

A few of them rush over to Justin and check his pulse. One of them looks up at another office and shakes their head. It’s pure chaos of officers and EMTs.

“Can someone please tell me what happened here? Who are the witnesses?” another officer asks.

Bear steps up, giving his account for what he saw and who he is. He did everything by the book and even has a body cam to prove what happened.

“When Justin pulled his gun and aimed it at the victim, I took my shot,” he tells the officer. “He’d been threatening Ms. Benson with it on her back while he walked her out of the area, but I followed and waited before accessing the situation. Once it became life-threatening, I couldn’t wait any longer.”

The way he described the scene has my mind reeling because he's absolutely right. This could've ended a lot differently. Just thinking about it makes me shutter.

They ask Bear to come down to the station to prove his credentials and write a formal witness statement.

Moments later, the officers ask for Tatum's and mine. She tells them everything she knows, from their marriage to my shop burning down, the restraining order, and finally, the warrant they have out for his arrest. The officer looks at her like I'm lying. After telling them everything, I realize how much shit Tatum's gone through and how horrible it must've been dealing with a manipulative spouse for so long. My heart aches for her all over again.

We exchange information with the detective and are allowed to leave.

When we turn around, there's a barrier around Justin's body. I watch as Tatum stares at him. "I didn't want it to end this way," she murmurs.

I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close. “I know, sweetheart.” She’s way too kind to even wish death upon a man who tried to kill her.

“Thank you again,” I tell Bear before I take Tatum’s hand. “I don’t know how to repay you for saving our lives.”

“You’re welcome. It’s my job. Don’t like it when a job ends like this, but considering the circumstances, I couldn’t see it resulting in any other way.”

He has a point. I just wish for Tatum’s sake, he would've left her the hell alone, so she didn't have to carry the burden or grief.

“I’ll let you kids go. Make sure to call your damn brother,” he barks out with a laugh, then walks away.

“Please tell me it’s finally over,” Tatum says, and I can see the exhaustion written on her face.

"It's over, baby," I confirm, rubbing a hand down her arm, then lead her to the car. Once she's settled into the passenger's side and I climb behind the wheel, I call Tristan.

“Told ya so,” he says as soon as he picks up.

I huff out a breath. “Guess I deserved that. But thank you for being a know-it-all, overbearing brother. You saved our lives.”

"I wish I'd been wrong about my gut feeling, but I'm so damn relieved Bear was there."

“Where did you even find that guy? His nickname should be Moose. The man is huge!”

Piper giggles in the background, then responds, “Let’s just say…a friend of a friend of a friend.”

“I just knew that psychopath wasn’t going to stop. All joking aside, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you,” Tristan says.

"How did you know, though? How did you anticipate Justin's actions?"

“Throughout the years, I learned that some people can’t let things go. A person who’s capable of burning down someone’s business to get back at their ex has screws loose. There’s no amount of mediation, agreeing, pleading, nothing that will make them stop. You were standing in the way of Tatum. So getting rid of you would’ve been a bonus in his eyes. Unfortunately for him, I couldn’t let that happen.”

“Me either!” Piper yells.

“Thank you. From both of us.”

Tatum grabs my hand, and I kiss her knuckles. She’s still in shock.

“So tell me what happened,” he says. “I haven’t talked to Bear yet. He just texted me Target deceased, Clients safe.”

“Jesus.” I exhale. “Well…let me start from the beginning.”

I explain our day, nearly minute to minute, and by the end, Tristan releases an annoyed groan.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance