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“What about a game?” she offers. “Any suggestions?”

I go to the game closet and start reading off the titles.

“Instead of choosing any board games, let’s play two truths and a lie. When I was in high school, it was always a fun one,” she says.

Grabbing the bottle of rum from the counter, I walk back to the table and sit directly in front of her. “You sure?”

“Why not?” She shrugs, and I actually kinda like this free-spirited version of Tatum.

“Who goes first?” I ask.

“You can. Just remember one of them has to be a lie, and I have to guess which one it is.” Tatum lifts her glass to her lips and drinks.

“Those are the rules, and I’m sticking to them.” It takes me a minute to think of something, but I eventually do. “I’ve never broken a bone. I’ve had a threesome. I never learned to write in cursive.”

Tatum stares at me as I give her my answers. “Hmm. Now that’s a hard one. But I’m gonna guess the threesome.”

I chuckle. “That’s true.”

Her eyes widen, and her jaw drops as if she really didn’t think that’d be the correct one. “No way! When?”

“During my early twenties. These two best friends I met at a bar were fighting over me, so instead of making me choose, they decided to share. It was…an experience.”

“Wow…that’s wild.”

“Definitely was…but I’m a guy, and I wasn’t about to turn down the offer.” I chuckle.

“Did it happen more than once?”

“Yeah, went on for a couple of months until I realized that it’d never go anywhere. So I ended it. Then I met my girlfriend Brynne less than a year later, and we dated until I opened the shop four years ago.”

“Well, regardless, I bet that was a fun experience for you. Two women at once. That’s a guy’s wet dream.” She picks up her drink and gulps the rest of it down.

I shrug. “I suppose. After a while, it’s exhausting, and you kinda feel used. Not all that it’s cut out to be. Plus, the jealousy between the two friends never ended. More trouble than benefit, if you ask me.”

“So what was the lie?”

“No broken bones. However, I broke my arm when I was eight. Rollerblading accident. Your turn. Bet you can’t fool me.”

She lets out a steady breath and stares intently at me. “Cocky, aren’t you?”

“Maybe a little.” I smirk.

She clears her throat. “I’ve never had an orgasm during sex. My favorite food is sushi. I can whistle really loud.”

“Easy,” I scoff. “Orgasming during sex.”

Tatum slowly shakes her head.

“What? How is that possible?”

She shrugs. “It just never happened for me.”

“It’s because you haven’t been with the right partners,” I explain. “Sometimes, it’s really about the motion in the ocean.”

Tatum bursts into laughter.

“So you like sushi?” I ask.

“I love it,” she admits. “And I can’t whistle for shit.”

“Damn, this game is going to be much harder than I thought.”

“You’re telling me,” she says, taking the top off the rum and gulping down a shot.

“Guess it’s my turn again, then. Hmm.” It takes me a minute to think about what I’m going to say next.

“Scared?” She arches a brow.

“No.” I chuckle. “One of my biggest fears is being bit by a snake. I’ve never had a roommate. I used to be a vegetarian.”

“Vegetarian? That’s the lie.”

“Absolute truth,” I counter.

“Really? Why the change of heart?”

“I go through different phases. I watched this horrible documentary and gave it all up. I love animals and try to limit my intake but realized it wasn’t sustainable for me long term.”

“Wow. Takes a lot of courage to admit that. So is the lie snakes?”

“Yep. My biggest fear is losing a family member, especially my brother. He was in the military and had a close call, and I just remember being in such a dark place, thinking he wasn’t going to make it. Of course, he did, and he’s happy now. He’s basically my best friend, and I’d do anything for him.”

“I’m sure the feeling is mutual.”

“Oh it absolutely is.” I think back to the conversation Tristan and I had the other day. I know my brother cares about me just as much.

Her face softens. “I’d do anything for my sister as well. Since she’s so much younger, I am very protective of her. I just don’t want her to go through the same things I did when it comes to being in a relationship. But then again, she didn’t stay with the first man who told her he loved her, so I think she’s in the clear.”

“And all that is in your past now. Time for you to start thinking about the future and what you want to do.”

Tatum grins. “You’re absolutely right.”

“Have you thought about any of it?”

She chews on the edge of her lip, and I find it adorable. “A little. I’m hoping all of this blows over with Justin, and I can enjoy being in Florida without constantly looking over my shoulder. I want to move on, and I hope one day I really can, but with that being said, guess it’s my turn again.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance