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“That house is magical,” she hurries and says before ending the call.

“Piper gave me a thousand-dollar gift card,” Tatum mutters as she stares at it.

“That’s nothing to Piper, trust me. She loves helping others.”

“I just don’t feel like I deserve this. I’m practically a stranger to her.”

“By the time you leave here, you two could be best friends. She has a way with people,” I say, then we move to the living room.

I sit on the opposite end of the couch, and every once in a while, when I look up over my screen, I meet her baby-blue eyes.

Once I download a few apps on my laptop, I make a to-do list, and I feel overwhelmed all over again.

“You have that look on your face,” Tatum says.

“Which one?” I ask.

“When you’re frustrated or deep in thought, your brows furrow, and your lips turn into a firm line like this.” She mocks my expression, which makes me laugh.

“Guess I didn’t realize I was doing that, but now I do.” I go to another tab on the browser. “I’m gonna have to contact a few of my suppliers. Getting ahold of them during the busiest season of the year is gonna be a nightmare.”

She sits up a little straighter. “I’ll help you with some of this, Easton. I’m patient and have a great customer service voice. Just tell me who to contact, and I’ll take care of it. It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve done for me. Let me be useful.”

I smile, appreciating her offer because I could really use the extra help. “Alright, I’m happy to take you up on that offer. Keep track of how much time you spend on the phone so I can pay you.”

Tatum rolls her eyes. “I owe you.”

“No, you don’t. If you’re working, you’re getting compensated. “

“Okay, fine.” Tatum isn’t one to argue, especially when she knows I have her best interest in mind.

“Considering how frustrating these vendors are, I feel like your hourly wage should be doubled.”

“Nah, I’m up for the challenge. I’ll sweet-talk them just like I did you when I needed a job.”

I bark out a laugh. “Well, if it worked on me, then I have no doubt it’ll work on them.”

Chapter Six



I’ll never get tired of seeing the sunrise from my bed. The orange ball peaks over the horizon, and pink, blue, and purple bursts splash across the sky. I climb out from under the blankets and watch it reflect over the water.

I open a window, take in the salty fresh air, and enjoy the way it feels against my bare skin. With such amazing weather, I’m dying to go outside. After I run through my morning routine and get dressed, I go downstairs. As soon as my toes touch the sand, I smile. Though the circumstances of why I’m here are shitty, I really am happy to be here with Easton. I’ve read stories of other women who’ve gone through the same thing as me, and many didn’t get a second chance at life.

I gave myself to the person I thought Justin was, but I fell in love with someone he wasn’t. He could turn his emotions on and off in a snap, and to this day, I’m not sure he ever truly loved me. Rather, he loved the idea of me and what he could do to control me. Though, sometimes I like to think in the beginning he did, even if he manipulated me with gifts. Because of him, I second-guess everyone’s intentions and often forget there are still good people in the world.

I close my eyes and focus on the sound of the waves crashing.

Meditation has saved me in so many ways. I’ve learned how strong my mind is regardless of how many times Justin tried to break me.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

I breathe out slowly, emptying all the air in my lungs before inhaling at the same steady rate. My thoughts move inward as I reflect on the past week, and hope I can continue to stay mentally strong even though my worst nightmares have come true.

“Tatum!” I hear my name being called from behind. My eyes bolt open, and I turn to see Easton walking toward me in a panic.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, trying to figure out what’s wrong.

He comes closer and smiles. “Yes, but I was worried about you.”

I tilt my head and peer into his green eyes. “Why?”

“Because you ran off without saying anything or letting me know. I almost had a heart attack. I’m not even thirty!”

A laugh releases from me, and I try to cover it but can’t seem to wipe the smile from my lips. I find it adorable he seems so concerned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to wake you. Wanted to start my day off right and enjoy the sunrise. First meditation. Second is yoga.” I stand and stretch, loosening my shoulders and lower back from sitting.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance