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“Mr. Belvedere. This is Sabrina Kellington, from the insurance company. Sorry, I’ve been swamped and just got the notification that you needed to speak with me. Just wanted to fill you in with what’s going on so far. Since it’s the weekend, people are hard to reach. Didn’t want to call you with no information, so I’ve been on the phone all morning,” she tells me.

“I appreciate that,” I say. I can hear the clicks of her fingers on the keyboard.

“So I’m sending an appraiser out first thing Monday morning. He is scheduled to show up around eight and take photographs of the damage. Right now, it seems like I’ll need proof of your current inventory. Do you happen to have that information readily available that you can send over?”

“Not readily available. All of my files were stored on my computer in my office.”

“I understand. The sooner you can get a full list together, the better. That way, we can file the claim for review.”

“No problem. Do you know what the timeline is for all of this? Like how long it will take to get things cleaned up, rebuilt, and replaced?” I stare out the windows at Tatum, a gorgeous sight to see.

“Unfortunately, not yet. Once all the information is submitted, it goes through an appraiser, then an approval process before we can send a check. After that, it depends on the contractor’s timelines. It can take anywhere from two to six months and sometimes longer, depending on the amount of damage. And sometimes, it’s a complete loss, which means you’ll have to build from scratch. But I’ll know more once the appraiser submits everything. We’re already in contact with your mortgage company.”

I let out a breath and focus on where Tatum’s sitting cross-legged at the edge of the property facing the ocean. The sun reflects off her hair, and she’s been in that position since I started this call. The focus she has to sit on that towel without moving is incredible.

“That makes sense.”

The agent promises she won’t let anything fall to the wayside and will work diligently to make sure the process moves quickly.

“I appreciate that,” I say.

She gives me her email address and the number to her direct line.

“I’ll try to get everything to you by early next week,” I tell her.

“That’d be great. The sooner, the better,” she states before the call ends.

Now I’m more stressed than I was before. Without my computer, it’s going to get complicated to get all of that information. I’ll probably need to call Tristan to help get me out of another bind, something I hate doing.

I grab a bottle of water, and when I round the corner, Tatum enters.

“Get it all sorted?” She’s wearing a smile, and I can’t help but notice how relaxed she seems after her meditation session.

“Not really. Mostly an impossible to-do list,” I admit.

“One thing at a time,” she calmly states, and it makes me wonder how many times she’s repeated that to herself.

Before I can say anything, the doorbell rings. Tatum jumps at the sound, then laughs at herself. It’s not lost on me how jumpy she is even in this safe space. Noticing it’s a delivery person, I open the door and sign for the heavy box. I bring it to the breakfast bar, then grab a pair of scissors.

“Did you order something?” I ask, and Tatum shakes her head.

“Weird.” I cut through the tape and find a note at the top. I glance over the first few lines, then read it aloud.


* * *

The iPad is for Tatum to keep her occupied while you two are together. Hopefully, it will help keep her busy because I’ve been there and about lost my mind without connection to the outside world. The MacBook Pro is for you since I know you’ll have a lot of stuff to take care of, and we love a busy boss boy. I’m really sorry all of this happened to you. If you need anything, don’t be a stubborn Belvedere, and just ask. We’re always here for you.

Love your favorite sister EVER and that guy you’re forced to love,

Piper and Tristan (For the record, I told her not to call you a boss boy.)

I snort-laugh and hand the iPad box toward Tatum. She doesn’t take it from me. “No, I can’t accept it. It’s too much. I’ll never be able to repay her.”

I can see her hesitation and try to soften my voice as I speak. “Piper is very extra and she loves to give people gifts. It’s her love language. Plus, you deserve it. Not gonna make you, but she did get you the Pro one.” I flash her a wink.

A smile eventually spreads across her face, and she takes the box. “I’ve never had anything as expensive or nice as this.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance