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“This can't be real...” he says after fifteen minutes. Romy and Michele are flashing back to when Christy Masters stuck magnets on Michele's back. The level of cringe is high, but that's what made it such a classic comedy.

“Are you not aware of corny 90s movies? Wait...were you even born then?” I tease, and he smacks me with a throw pillow.

“Age jokes, really? Okay, Grandma. Sorry I wasn't around to witness the first man land on the moon like you.”

I roll my eyes and chuck the pillow back at him. “That's not even comparable.”

“So besides having god-awful taste in movies, what else don't I know about you? Do you have any hobbies?”

“Um...” I chew on my lower lip, taking a moment to think about his question because I wasn't allowed to have hobbies outside of taking care of the house. Justin watched me like I had a warrant out for murder. “Between a lock code that recorded every time I left the house and inside and outside security cameras, I wasn't able to do much that didn't involve him plastered to my side,” I admit, which even takes me by surprise. “I enjoy yoga and meditation, but truthfully, I only started a month or two ago, so I'm still learning. I guess I need to figure out what activities I do like.”

“I'm really sorry to hear you had to go through that. If you hadn't told me, I would've never guessed. You’re so damn strong, Tatum. Reserved and quiet, yes, but you hold your own. I've always noticed that.”

“Trauma responses can cause different reactions when you're no longer in that situation. I lived in shock for the first month, surprised that I had actually gotten away from him. Looking over my shoulder happened quite often and still does. I guess I’m good at hiding it. Once I was free, I knew I was in charge of my own life again, and I wasn't going to allow him to take that from me.” I shrug, then add, “Well, that's what I like to think anyway. The moment I saw him coming toward the shop, my fight response failed.”

“It didn't fail,” he says softly. “You removed yourself from the situation. You can't just turn off the fear he ingrained into you for years in just a few weeks. But regardless of that, you are strong. You got yourself out of an impossible situation. Managed to not only get the money but also the courage to file for a divorce and leave.”

“I should’ve left sooner,” I admit. “I knew I wanted to for years and was actually getting ready to bail shortly before the pandemic happened. Then everything changed. Instead of Justin working at the office, he worked remotely, and I was stuck with him twenty-four hours a day. Like most abuse victims, the lockdowns made it worse.”

“Jesus, I hadn't even thought of that.” He shakes his head as if he's trying to hold in his anger. “Well, let's make this lockdown version a helluva fun time. We'll erase your bad memories and replace them with only good ones.”

Chapter Five



For the past two hours, I’ve been transferred to different departments, put on hold, then transferred again. I’m stuck in some sort of weird loop, and I’m getting nowhere fast. After the last insurance agent wasn’t able to help, I was told they’d escalate my case to someone higher up. Considering the fire happened less than forty-eight hours ago, things feel as if they’re permanently suspended in the air. My frustration is building, but I try to stay calm and collected because this is just the beginning. Probably doesn’t help that it’s Saturday and some people aren’t in the office.

Nearly forty-five minutes pass when my phone buzzes from an unknown number. I usually don’t answer, but considering the circumstances, this time I do.

“Hello, sir. We’ve been trying to contact you to extend your car warranty. Are you avail—?”

I end the call and release a groan just as Tatum comes downstairs.

“Everything okay?” she asks.

“No. I can’t get calls back, and I’m annoyed.”

She sucks in a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault,” I remind her, then realize she’s wearing leggings and a tank top. “Going somewhere?”

She throws a towel over her shoulder and grins. “I was thinking about heading outside for a meditation session. I think some fresh air and sunshine will do me good.”

I nod just as my phone buzzes. “Okay, but don’t go too far. Have fun,” I tell her with a wink.

“What about all this buddy system stuff?” she asks with a brow popped.

“I won’t take my eyes off you, Tatum,” I promise, and I think I see a hint of blush cover her cheeks.

Her mouth opens just as I get another call. Right now, I wish we could continue this conversation, but she grins and sashays outside.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance