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“Go away, Hugh. Please just leave this to the lawyers.”

“You’d still be that chubby little whore who didn’t know how to suck a dick.” He reached out and gripped me by the arm.

“Take your hands off me,” I hissed under my breath. I really didn’t need him to make a scene for someone to record that would go viral before lunch.

“Sheridan.” Vanessa came running out the front doors with one of our security guards behind her.

Hugh immediately let go of my arm and I walked toward the security guard, my gaze meeting Vanessa’s. Hers blazed with anger as she squinted at Hugh.

“This is the last time,” she said to him. “Next time, we get a restraining order.”

He laughed. “Good luck with that, mamacita.”

I could practically hear the growl in Vanessa’s chest and I tugged her arm. “Let’s just go inside.”

“Mr. Archman, you need to leave the premises,” the security guard said.

“It’s a public sidewalk, my man.”

I didn’t hear the rest because we went inside and got on the elevator.

“What were you thinking?” Vanessa demanded.

“Nothing,” I said, leaning back and closing my eyes. “I need to walk more so I decided to walk to work. He’s never been out front before, but I suspected he was either following me or having me followed, and now I know.”

“I’m going to send Nellie to get us coffee,” she said as we stepped off the elevator. “Go to your office and decompress—I can see you’re ready to jump out of your skin. Then call your fucking lawyer. This has to stop, Sheridan. You can’t keep living in fear.”

I nodded. “I know.”


I turned and went into my office. I shut the door and sank down at my desk, noting that my hands were shaking and I was a little nauseated. God, why did I let him affect me like this, even after all this time? I hated feeling vulnerable and afraid, and he knew it, which was why he did the things he did. He hadn’t touched me in a long time, though, so things might be escalating. Again.


My mind immediately went to Lars. I never felt afraid when I was with him; that was for sure. I knew without a doubt he would protect me physically from anyone or anything that tried to get near me.

Why hadn’t he called me back?

Normally, I wouldn’t reach out to a guy this many times in a row without a response, but I was worried, so I grabbed my phone and texted him before I called my attorney.

Sheridan: Hey, just checking in. I’ve had a rough morning and I’ll probably be in meetings all day, but if you want to talk, or even just get lunch or something, let me know and I’ll make the time.

I was surprised when my phone buzzed with a text notification a few seconds later.

Lars: I have the morning skate soon. And I must nap before tonight’s game. Are you coming?

Sheridan: I was planning to.

Lars: We can get together tonight after game?

Sheridan: Sure.

Lars: I can have a pass left for you to join me in family lounge after.

Sheridan: Okay. Then I’ll see you tonight.

I put down my cell phone and pressed the intercom button on my desk phone to call Nellie. “Nel? Are you there?”

“Yes, Ms. Lee. What can I do for you?”

“Can you get my personal attorney on the phone, please?”


A minute later, the desk phone rang, and I picked it up. “Marian?”

“Hi, Sheridan. What’s going on?” My attorney was smart, efficient and badass as hell, but this whole situation with Hugh was taking too long.

I told her what had happened this morning. “I don’t care what you have to do. I don’t care what I have to give up. I don’t care what it will cost me. Get him to sign those fucking papers.”

Chapter Fourteen


* * *

Mavericks Group Text

* * *

Wes: Hey Sawyer, I’m adding you to our group text. We talk about team stuff mostly, but there’s some personal stuff too. Ready for your first home game as a Maverick?

Sawyer: Yes.

Wes: A bunch of us will be going out after the game. You and your wife are welcome to join us. It’s Annie, right? I think that’s what Mitch told me her name is. Apologies if I got that wrong.

Sawyer: We’re not really late-night people, but thanks for the invite.

Wes: Sure, and tell Annie my wife Hadley will save her a seat in the family box. Any other family coming to the game with her?

Sawyer: No one’s coming, actually. Just me.

Wes: Okay, cool. See you at the arena.

* * *

I was trying. I was doing everything in my power to act like I didn’t care about the bullshit Keegan had said about me. I was in the locker room, having my pregame ice bath, trying to stick to my regular routine.

Tags: Brenda Rothert St. Louis Mavericks Romance