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There’s only one woman I want in my bed, and I don’t even know who she is. It’s a good thing to have great connections. I call my friend back in Texas, testing his hacking skills. Thankfully he answers on the second ring. “What’s up, Sean?”

“Tate, I need a favor.” He’s actually a computer forensics expert, but still, he can handle these things—that, I’m sure of. It’s a matter of if he’s willing to dig into it for me.

“Sure thing, brother.” We’ve been friends for a long time, even when he was going through a difficult time with the Houston PD. Now, he’s happily married and working for a private security company.

“I need the manifest for a Greyhound bus asap."

"Give me the details, and I'll work it out in the next twenty minutes." I shoot off the information I collected. "Any name on there in particular?"

"No, but we're looking for two passengers, females. I'm banking on them being sisters or something,” I tell him, or at least I hope so because if they’re not, then I might be getting my hopes up for nothing.

"Okay, I'll call you back shortly."

"Cool. Thanks." I end the call and drive toward Lakeland, hopping on the highway to deal with the problem that sent me on this mission in the first place. I try Bennett’s cell again, but the prick still doesn’t answer, which is really becoming a bad habit.

The traffic has picked up and I'm forced to do the speed limit, which doesn’t help my already antsy mood. I'm almost to Lakeland when Tate calls me back.

"I got what you need. Check your texts. I'm betting it's these two. Georgiana and Lydia James. You were right; they're sisters, and there's a third—Darcy James."

"I owe you,” I tell him because I’m going to find my future wife thanks to his information.

"I'll make note of it. Take care, and good luck,” he says with a chuckle.


I drive to Bennett’s place, which is up a long mountain road far from civilization, just like he prefers. As I pull up to the large driveway, I see a Lakeland cop car. Fuck, his lawyer needs to be called. I’m about to dial his number when my eyes fly to the door at the commotion, and I can't believe my luck. She's here.

Taking a deep breath, I quietly step out of my ride just as they enter the house. With the door open, I follow inside without anyone noticing me.

“Wait. The Bennett Lake? Like the author guy? No wonder she let you have her cookie. That girl has a mad crush on you, and I can’t say I blame her. Get it, girl. Do you have a brother?” my future wife gushes, and I’m ready to kill this imaginary brother.

“No,” a growl comes from deep within me as I think about her wanting anyone else but me.

“Welcome, Sean. Why are you here?” If we weren’t friends, I’d say he’s ready to kick my ass for getting in his way, but I’ve never seen my friend like this. He’s all over the woman, who looks like my woman but slightly different.

“Because the media is looking for you. There’s a rumor that you kidnapped and raped a woman. I know it’s bullshit because you’re a fucking celibate hermit, but it’s my job to make sure the rumors aren’t spread around,” I bark out while stealing glances at my woman.

“Hi. You’re only half right. He did carry me away, but I came very willingly and repeatedly. I’m Darcy, by the way.” She reaches out for my hand, but Bennett stops her.

“Where’s my dog?” Bennett asks. Wow, what happened to my friend? I don’t know why I’m even asking because I have a feeling that the same thing has happened to me.

“At the ranch. I rushed over here before the shit hit the fan.”

“You know, that’s a really gross expression,” my future wife says, arching her brow while her lip curls in revulsion.

She has me in a trance, and I need to say something because I think I’m in love. “Hello, beautiful. I’m Sean, and you are?”

She doesn’t take my hand. Instead, she sighs, “Tired and hungry.”

“Then I’ll get you what you need, beautiful.” I want to know who she is out of the two sisters on the bus.

“Do you not know any other adjectives?” Damn. She just kicked me in the nuts, but I’ll gladly stay for more punishment. My pretty girl doesn’t play nice. That’s fine, because I’m not going to let her win. She’s mine, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to prove it.

“I’ll call you whatever you like, little girl, as soon as you tell me your name.”

“It’s Georgiana, but we call her Georgie,” Darcy says, ignoring her sister’s glare.

“That’s cute. You’re definitely a Georgie.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She crosses her arms over her chest with an angry huff.

Tags: C.M. Steele Billionaire Romance