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Travis chuckles at Aiden’s comment, and I smile, but I give Travis the stink eye. “Yes, it was a huge, huge bug.”

“Ooohhhhh,” he says with fascination, his eyes growing round and big. “Did Daddy get ‘em?”

I laugh loudly at his cuteness as Travis pipes in to answer, “Yes, son. I got ‘em.”

Aiden narrows his eyes in thought, studying us for a brief moment before he speaks. “Daddy, get off Mommy. You squishin’ the baby.”

Travis groans. “Son, why don’t you go back to bed?”

“But I not sweepy. I hungwy.”

Our quiet time is officially over, and I softly giggle. Travis lets out a defeated sigh. “All right, son. How about pancakes?”

He nods emphatically with excitement as he stands there looking so damn adorable in his Ironman PJ’s. “I love pamcakes.” He pauses, and then continues, “Are they gutten fwee?”

“Yes, little man. They’re gluten-free,” Travis says with a grin. He’s just as affected by his cuteness as I am. “Go on downstairs and get all the stuff out. I’ll be there in a second to help.”

“Yesss!” Aiden fist-pumps the air and takes off down the hallway.

Travis turns to me, shaking his head. “At least the boy has impeccable timing, just like his daddy.”

I playfully slap at his chest, and he captures my hand, raising a brow. “Do I need to tie you up again, woman?”

I grin ruefully. “There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, Travis Jackson.” He throws his head back and bellows with laughter.

“Fair enough.”

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Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic