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I don’t know what this ‘party of sorts’ is supposed to be about in a couple days, or what it all entails, but I find myself on edge thinking about it. It must be something really big, especially if they are bringing someone in to do my makeup and hair.

I cringe at the thought of having to deal with Nick all by myself. Of course, the way Travis is treating me, I’d be on my own with Nick anyway. I am going to have to acquire award-winning acting skills overnight. I’m done with pushing the envelope. My independent streak just keeps digging me further into a bottomless pit of misery. God have mercy on my soul if I piss Nick off. If I thought Travis was bad, I can only imagine Nick being a thousand times worse. Yes, it’s definitely time to change up my tactics. I will play along with their little game for now, biding my time until I’m rescued. In the meantime, I will be subduing my personality and playing the part of the perfect submissive. Bring it on, Nick. I am ready for you…and your party.

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Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic