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How dare Nick mock me! Uncontrolled anger bubbles up from my very depths as my boiling point is reached, and I bubble over. Before I know what’s happening, my body has taken over, venting all of its frustrations on the little kingdom below. As if I am King Kong, I find myself grabbing the draped cart holding the replica of my imprisoned life. I heave the cart up and over on its side, and I watch in wonder as the walls come tumbling down. Little people go running for their lives in a massive disaster of epic proportions. The icing creates a mudslide, mixing together and producing a rainbow of bright, vivid colors as it spreads out across the floor. My brain misfires a few synapses as I slip into a realm of my own. Tilting my head to the side, I stand there marveling and appreciating my new work of art, and I actually feel quite proud of myself. The tiled floor being my canvas, I study the different colors, dimensions, and textures on display, admiring my handiwork in wonder. The fallen castle has evolved from a renaissance art into a modern piece, and I name this new masterpiece of mine, Freedom.


Suddenly, I find myself airborne. It was opening night, and I didn’t even get a chance to introduce my new masterpiece. Bummer. It takes a second for me to realize I’ve been thrown over Travis’ shoulder and am now hanging upside down. With my rage still in full force, Travis’ back becomes my punching bag. I hate him so much. “Put me down, you sorry asshole! Don’t you dare touch me!”

He ignores my demands as he makes his way out of the room. I twist and struggle against his strong hold, and as soon as we step out of everyone’s view, I feel several sharp, hard blows to my ass. I scream out in startled surprise and squirm, trying to evade his whacks, and break free, but it’s no use. I push through his painful blowing smacks and keep hitting him for all I’m worth. I’ve got tunnel vision, and I’m filled with anger; I want the hell out of here. I didn’t ask for any of this.

Travis said some cruel and vile words about me today, and it cut deep. I’m still going all barbaric on him by the time he reaches the door to my room. The door clicks open, and he strolls through. I’m winded and breathing heavily, having spent all my energy punching Travis.

“Put me down. Now!” Travis totally ignores me. “I said put me down!” I seethe and smack his back again. A light suddenly turns on in the kitchen, then I hear an electric hum and my angry face turns into one of confusion. What the hell? Travis moves forward, past the sofa, and to the red-curtained wall. I stiffen and begin to panic. Oh, shit.

Before I know it, I’m standing upright, only to realize he has me backed against the St. Andrew’s Cross. My heart speeds up with the thought he’s going to punish me. His emerald eyes drill into me with an intense anger I’ve never seen before.

We are nose-to-nose as he growls menacingly through clenched teeth like a drill sergeant, “I can’t decide if the line you’re walking on is one of bravery or stupidity! Didn’t you know this was part of a test? This was a preliminary round to put you with other people to see how you would respond socially, and I have to tell you, you fuckin’ failed miserably. When you have the audacity to not only conspire against us, but act like a three-year-old in a temper tantrum…” his head shakes back and forth, “…well that…that just takes the cake, doesn’t it?”

“How dare you!” I spit back. “I did not sign up for this shit!”

“This...this is the thanks I get for showing you some kindness today, and every day since the very first day you arrived? I’ve warned you!” he bellows. The muscles in his jaw are working overtime. “Are you trying to get sold? ‘Cause it sure as hell seems like it. Do you have a fucking death wish? You couldn’t just play it cool, could you? You just had to go and rile him up, and now you are out of my hands. I can only stick my neck out so far for you, Julianna. Do you hear me?!”

“Gee, I’d hate to put you out, Travis. I’m a big girl; after all, I can wipe my own nose. I’d hate to deplete your box of tissues on my account.” Pure, raw hate drips from my voice, and I watch him stiffen at my declaration. “That’s right, Travis. I heard you. I heard enough to know Jared was telling the truth; you are every bit the manipulator and then some.”

Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic