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I ignore his statement. I get that he’s trying to ease his faux pas, but I’m not getting undressed for a spa treatment, and even after our passionate exchange—and with my pants still around my trembling thighs—I haven’t quite forgotten who he is or what he’s wanting me to do. “Would you please turn your back so I can change?” He smirks at me, eyeing my disheveled clothing. “Yes, I know, but I still value my modesty...please.”

He politely turns around while I get changed. It might’ve been a mistake to have him turn around, because now I can’t seem to pull my eyes from his body. His shoulders are so strong and broad, and he’s got to be at least six-foot-five. Good Lord, the man is a work of art, and his ass—holy hell. The way his jeans tightly hug his backside…oh, my.

“It’s quiet back there; are you staring at my ass?” Oh, crap, how embarrassing. I reluctantly pull my gaze away from those delightful glutes, cursing at my rising blush.

“Don’t you wish? Don’t flatter yourself, big guy.” He chuckles at me, as if he knows I was just busted. Once I finish changing into the robe, I ask irritably, “Hey, where’s the belt on this thing?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he growls.

“No. No, I wouldn’t like to know. One can only imagine what you’d do with a belt.” He snickers at our banter. I’m sure between his chosen profession and his good looks, he’s most likely the biggest womanizing jerk alive. He probably has a new partner every day of the week. I immediately hate myself for my weak body and for letting him kiss me.

“You can turn around now.” I’ve wrapped the robe tightly around my body, as if that could prevent him from getting me out of it if he really wanted to. He gestures for me to have a seat on the table again. I begrudgingly walk to the exam table and carefully sit down, trying to keep the robe from opening. I clutch it to my chest as my heart rate picks back up, and ask the most pertinent question of the day, “What are you going to do to me?”

Before he can answer, someone knocks on the door.


“Perfect timing,” Travis mumbles as the door clicks open and a tall, weasel-looking man steps into the room. I stare him down, and it’s hard not to immediately stereotype him as a nerd; he’s even sporting a pair of thick, black-framed glasses. He’s wearing a gray, pressed, button-down dress shirt with a tie, and his black hair keeps falling over his eyes. He looks old enough to be my father, too old to try to sport the trendy hairstyle. I clutch the robe Travis gave me, wrapping it even tighter around my body.

“How are we doing today?” he asks, looking directly at me with a small smile on his face. He’s acting as if I’m here on my own free will for a new patient appointment. Surely he’s joking, because if he’s not, the man has lost his damn marbles.

“How the hell do you think I’m doing? I’m being held captive; how would anyone be doing in a situation like this?!” Before I can rip him a new asshole, Travis pipes in, immediately cutting to the chase.

“Despite her body weight and our discussion this morning, Jared, I think we need to double up on her dose.”

Jared shakes his head. “Her bodyweight-to-drug ratio is spot on, Travis.” They both speak over me as if I’m not in the room at all. “She should be fairly well-adjusted by now. It’s always important to work with the minimum dosage for the first five days, and then we can go from there.”

“What the…drugs? Still adjusting? What the hell are you guys talking about?” I yell.

Travis holds out his hand with his palm facing toward me, a gesture for me to shut up so he can speak. “She’s too strong-willed; she’s fighting the Blyss tooth and nail. I’ve seen many women on this same dosage, and none of them—and I mean none of them—have fought me to the degree she has.”

My mouth is agape in disbelief as they treat me like I’m a voiceless lab rat, which only serves to piss me off more.

“Hmph,” Jared says, scratching his chin. “Well, I suppose we can increase the dose by twenty milligrams more then back off accordingly once you feel she’s acclimated. We will need to monitor her blood levels a little more closely if we do, and add in an extra blood draw.”

Okay, I’m passed pissed off now. They have been talking ‘many women’, blood draws, something about being blissful, and increasing the dosage of a drug they have been pumping into my body like I’m not even here. I have no idea what these drugs are or what they do, but I can only assume they’re what’s making me unnaturally-attracted to Travis and act like a horny dog around him. The visualization of me humping Travis’ leg as if I was a bitch in heat not five minutes ago sends me flying off the table.

Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic