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“Sometimes,” he says softly, “I can almost feel you trusting me, and it bothers me during the times when I don’t think you do.”

I scoff in his face. “Trust? Yes, let’s talk about that. It’s rather difficult to trust criminals,” my voice raises an octave throughout my last words, “who steal young women right out from under their father’s nose, right from their own home!” I narrow my eyes on him and seethe in a heated voice, “You men are despicable.” I know I wouldn’t get away with this rant if it were Nick here in front of me. He seems ruthless, and the thought makes me shudder.

Travis bites his lower lip and leaves it there between his teeth, visibly contemplating how he’s going to proceed with me. It would be a sexy look if I wasn’t preoccupied with getting the hell out of here. Hell, who am I kidding? It is a sexy look, no matter the circumstances. I briefly wonder if this is the point when things get physically rough, and I wind up hurt again.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he says carefully and calmly. “For the second and last time, the choice is yours.” He pins me down with his emerald eyes, which are sparkling with confidence. “It doesn’t matter to me; either way, you will wind up on that exam table with no clothes on.”

Well, now, that just pisses me off more. He’s freaking nuts if he thinks he’s going to order me around and make me strip naked so he can do God knows what to me! I’m sure as hell not doing this the easy way. Why did I even get dressed this morning? I mean, why did they even bother getting clothes for me to wear, let alone have someone lay out my attire this morning? Why not just have me parade around naked? That way, they could access the goods twenty-four-seven. I’m livid now, and I feel my heartbeat pick up its pace, readying me for a fight-or-flight situation.

“I was hoping we wouldn’t have to start our day out like this.”

“We? Is there someone else in the room?” I ask angrily, dramatically rocking side-to-side to look around behind him. “I don’t see you stripping naked and sitting your bare ass down on that exam table.”

His lips quirk; he wants to laugh at me. Smug bastard. “I’m not the one who has an appointment here.”

“Pft...and I do? No, I don’t think so,” I say with a snarky attitude while shaking my head violently. “I don’t remember calling in to make this appointment; in fact, I don’t even remember how I got here. Oh, yeah, now I remember…” I pause before raising my finger in the air and shouting, “I was taken…stolen…abducted…whatever you want to call it, and drugged—Against. My. Will!”

“I’m going to count to three—“ he begins to say, but I don’t let him finish.

“One, two, three! Oohhh, the big, bad kidnapper can count? Who would’ve thought?” I taunt him with a condescending tone.

His tongue slips over the front side of his perfectly-white, straight teeth, slowly licking across them. He’s trying to keep his cool, but I know I’ve poked the beast. He nods his head a couple times at me, his tongue playing with one of his canines. That just serves to make me even angrier, because that shit is sexy. “Okay, I can hear you’ve made your choice loud and clear.”

My heart rate picks up, and before I can make my move to kick him in the nuts, I realize I’m too late. He drops onto his knees, his legs straddling on either side of mine instantaneously. His body weight squishes my crossed arms and knees further into my chest, trapping me. His hands are on either side of my face, lifting my lips only inches from his.

“This ought to be interesting,” he says in a heated whisper.

I’m breathing in rapid pants, from fear, and from his close proximity, and what I think is about to happen. He’s too damn handsome for his own good, and as I’m being assaulted with the potent smell of leather, butterflies begin to take flight inside my womb.

Suddenly, with no warning, his lips crash over mine. His soft, sensual lips feel so damn good as his seductive kiss teases me, and then he taunts me with the tip of his tongue, willing my lips to open for him. “Mmnnn,” he moans as he changes the angle of his head so he can work those lips over mine from a better angle. I’m caving quickly, and for all that is holy, I want a taste of him.

This just isn’t right. I know I shouldn’t want this, but even as I have these conflicting emotions, damn it if I can resist him. The temptation I feel could equal what Eve must have felt in the garden, wanting just a sweet, juicy, and luscious taste of the forbidden. Oh, forgive me, please, Adam.

Tags: J.C. Cliff The Blyss Trilogy Erotic