Page 82 of Defined By Deceit

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“Well it looks like you boys have had enough excitement for one day. I’ll check out the site some other time. I’ll let you boys get yourselves situated.” Llew had a feeling that was father talk for get your emotions under control. Fuck the testosterone out of each other. “Smith Jr. Why don’t you and Llewellyn come on by the house before me and your mother head out this weekend? I’d like to hear more about your new vision for Smith’s Construction and those designs Llewellyn made that’s going to bring it to fruition.”

Smith shook his dad’s hand. “Yes, sir.”

Llew looked at him with surprise. Shane hadn’t exactly had the chance to tell Llew about wanting him to design a model for him to pitch to a company that wanted to bring a new mall to Wilson. But the look on Llew’s face said he liked that Shane believed in him and had talked about his drawings to his father.

After everyone had left for the evening and the sun was setting, leaving a gorgeous orange glow across the sky, Llew waited for Shane to finish his e-mail so they could go back to his place. He was in desperate need of a shower, a good meal, and some really good loving.

Shane turned off his monitor and stood, stretching like a big cat. “Ugh. I think I pulled a couple muscles in my back.”

Llew laughed at him. “You probably did John Cena.”

“Shut up.” Shane blushed, walking up to him and putting his arms around his waist. He tilted his head up, and Llew knew that was his man’s way of saying he needed a kiss.

Llew bent down and dragged his tongue over Shane’s plump lips, moaning at the soft feeling. “Exactly how hurt are you?” He spoke into Shane’s mouth while kneading his fist into the base of Shane’s spine.

His man groaned and squirmed in his arms. “Mmmm. I’ll live. I just won’t be diving out of trailers any time soon.”

“Good. Because I was thinking we’d go back to your place and have some food, a hot shower and….” Llew dropped his voice, his deep baritone rumbling in Shane’s ear. “Something else,” he murmured suggestively.

“Oh, yeah. I could use a lot of ‘something else’, babe.”

“I could use some of you inside of me.” Llew licked the shell of Shane’s ear while he ground his thigh into Shane’s rock hard cock. It looked like his fighter loved the thought of his suggestion. His own cock was hard and aching too. Watching Shane fight for him like that was like taking ecstasy.

“Oh, my god. Are you teasing me?” Shane shamelessly ground himself wherever he could reach on Llew’s lower body.

“I’d never tease about that. I need you, baby. Inside me; deep inside me. Your long, pale cock making me crazy. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I want it to be you, Shane. The only one to top me. The only one to ever top me. I want to know what everything feels like with you.”

“Let’s go, now. Before I come all over myself right here.”

Llew laughed, swooping down to capture Shane’s delicious mouth one more time. He tasted deep inside his mouth, his tongue fucking him the way he wanted Shane to fuck his ass. He walked them backwards until Shane was pressed up against the wall. “Just a quick taste, baby.” Llew hissed, sliding down Shane’s compact body.

“Oh fuck. Llewell.”

Llew quickly opened Shane’s pants, burying his face between his legs, inhaling his strong fiery scent. Fuck. All mine. He swirled his tongue around the head, gathering the fluid that was already there and waiting for him. He moaned around the deep purple head, sucking hard, sucking with the anticipation he felt at knowing this sexy cock was going to be inside him soon.

“Oh, babe. I won’t last at all,” Shane moaned.

Llew was only going to take a quick taste but the way Shane was squeezing his shoulders, he greedily needed more than just a taste. “Come in my mouth, baby,” Llew said, lapping at Shane’s tight balls.

Llew cupped Shane’s ass, the taut globes tightening as his orgasm took over. Shane thrust his hips a few more times, shouting out Llew’s name. He stilled a second before Llew’s mouth was flooded with his seed. He swallowed it hungrily, pulling and stroking his cock for every last drop. Llew pressed his own dick, his eyes rolling at the torture of needing to come but making himself wait.

Shane lovingly caressed Llew’s cheek while he rubbed his face back and forth over Shane’s deflating cock. “That was so good. God, I needed that.”

“I know,” Llew whispered, rubbing his scratchy cheek along Shane’s sack, liking the way he jerked from the sensation on the sensitive skin there.


Llew tucked Shane back in his pants, since he was limp against the wall. His own knees popped as he kissed his way up Shane’s body. Licking him under his throat. “I’m getting old.” He groaned, making both of them laugh.

Tags: A.E. Via Erotic