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“That makes perfect sense,” Ryan said, awed with her clarity and control. “Not to bring work into this, but you’d make a terrific breath control instructor for our trainees. Would you be interested in designing and teaching a course like that for us?”

“It would be my honor, Sir,” she replied, her blue eyes sparkling with pleasure. “Thank you, Sir.”

He helped her to sit up and then to stand. Taking her back to the yoga mat, he released her burnished red hair so it fell prettily past her shoulders. “Wait there a moment,” he instructed.

He went to his gear bag and took out the piece of Shibari rope he’d cut expressly for this purpose. He tucked the small coil into his back pocket. Returning to Abbie, he untied the black silk sash from around her slender neck. Shoving it into his pocket, he pulled out the soft, strong rope and held it up for her to see. “You have earned this collar, slave Abbie, more quickly than I anticipated. Do you accept this symbol of the next step in our Master/slave journey?”

Tears filled her eyes. She blinked them away as she replied, “Oh, yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

Pleased, Ryan tied the rope around her neck, careful not to make it too tight. He resisted the urge to take her into his arms and kiss her deeply. Soon, he promised himself. You demand patience from her. Exhibit it yourself.

He took a step back. “It’s a beautiful day. Go out on the deck while I collect some gear. We’ll conduct our next session there.”

There was both excitement and trepidation in her eyes.


Once she was gone from the room, he went to the supply cabinet and selected a series of shrink-wrapped dildos and vibrators. This was going to be fun.

Chapter 7

Abbie stood on the deck in mountain pose, feet together, arms at her sides, body aligned. She focused on keeping her breathing smooth and even, elongating her spine with each exhalation. The air was cooler today, as they approached the end of the season. The sweet, rich fragrance of jasmine was a pleasant counterpoint to the briny tang of the ocean.

The whipping had been truly awesome. Her skin still burned pleasantly, though the soothing ointment Master Ryan had applied had taken away the worst of the sting. She’d been awarded the rope collar, a true honor she hadn’t expected to receive so soon.

This week was her chance to find out if a Master/slave relationship was more than just a sexy fantasy. It was her chance to let go, at last, of the lingering vestiges of resistance and control that kept her from the full submission she longed for.

When she heard Master Ryan pull back the sliding door and step out onto the deck, she pivoted toward him. He had his gear bag in one hand, a rolled yoga mat in the other. He’d removed his shirt. The sight of his sexy, smooth chest and flat abs sent a powerful zing of raw lust directly to Abbie’s cunt.

She lowered herself to the deck, kneeling up, eyes down.

He didn’t approach her directly, but instead moved toward one of the padded benches that lined the perimeter of the deck. In her peripheral vision, she saw him set down his things beside the bench and take a seat. He unrolled the yoga mat on the deck at his feet.

“Come over to me, slave Abbie,” he said.

She rose and walked to him, her pulse quickening as he removed several sex toys from his bag and set them on the bench along with a tube of lubricant. Fear attempted to rear its head inside her. What if he wanted her to masturbate again? What if she fucked it up again?

No, she reminded herself. There is no right or wrong. All you can do is your best. He doesn’t require perfection, only honesty.

She folded the fear into a small butterfly and sent it into the air with a mental breath.

As she lowered herself to her knees in front of him, Master Ryan said, “I think for our next exercise, we’ll focus on sexual play, but I won’t expect you to do it on your own. Not yet.”

At this, Abbie relaxed fully. Whatever he planned for her, she would give it her all.

He picked up a medium-sized butt plug made of clear silicone and pulled away its shrink wrap. Setting it on the cushion, he picked up the large pink vibrator and did the same.

“For this session,” he said, a sexy, cruel smile lifting his sensual mouth, “I want you to open yourself fully to me, both literally and figuratively. But there’s one restriction.” He paused a moment, his crystalline blue eyes boring into her. “You may not come.”

That took her by surprise, but she kept her demeanor calm and respectful. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

Tags: Claire Thompson Desire Island Erotic