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Syn angrily yanked his duffle bag up off the floor and followed his bosses out the front door. While in the elevator he realized just how tense he was when Day put a hand on his shoulder, making jump.

“Easy buddy. You know we got your back. All of us. You taught this guy a lesson once but he must have a hard head and a soft ass. Those are the type of people who cause a good cop to lose his shield and his pension. Handle it through legal channels. Get a restraining order and have it served fast. After what just happened at your place, I don’t want you encountering this guy again.” Day’s words were friendly but they had an official undertone. His Lieutenant was telling him to stand down.

Syn huffed, not liking Day’s words. He didn’t even have to look at God to know he agreed with his partner. Whether Syn wanted to admit it or not they were right. If he got his hands on Furi’s soon-to-be-ex again, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to control himself.

“What do you mean he wouldn’t sign off on it? The order is being requested by a goddamn Sergeant.” Syn stood by one of the department Suburbans in the dimly lit parking lot. After a long grueling day of surveillance, he was now listening to the Magistrate’s paralegal deliver news he didn't want to hear. “There is plenty of evidence to support the request. Is the guy fucking blind? I showed him the text messages.” Syn needed to calm down, he was talking about a judge – the judge who would not grant Furi a protective order. “Those are threatening words. If I tell you to ‘watch your back’ or ‘I will have you till death do us part’, how the hell would you take that? Are you telling me you’d feel safe?”

God, he was so angry! He wanted to curse the woman out even though she was just the messenger. “Not even a temporary one?” Syn argued. He listened a little more before aggressively pressing the red end button on his cell. “Fuck!” he yelled.

“Sarge. Calm down, man. We’ll just have to put a couple guys on your boy,” Ruxsberg, his electronics specialist, chimed in as he leaned against the driver side of the vehicle waiting to drive him home since God and Day were staying to meet with the Captain. It was almost eight p.m., he was starving and now he had to give Furious this bad news.

“There’s no way he’ll allow that. He doesn’t want any cops on him.” Syn was so wound up he thought his head would explode. He threw his duffle in the back seat and climbed in the front.

“Hey, I got an idea.” Ruxsberg pulled into traffic and headed towards Syn’s place.

“What’s that?” Syn blew a tired breath.

“Call Day later tonight. He has a different Magistrate that he works with a lot. He can just about get her to sign off on any warrant he asks for, so I’d think he could get her to give you a restraining order for as long as you want.”

Syn turned to look at Ruxs with newfound hope. “You think so?”

“I’m positive. Day got a warrant for a suspect that we only had twenty-five minutes of surveillance on.” Ruxs gave him a smug expression.

“Alright I’ll try that.”

“If that doesn’t work, you call us, and we’ll handle this shit ourselves, Sarge.”

“I appreciate it, man.” Syn fist-bumped his Detective. He couldn’t have asked to work with a more dedicated group of men.

“Besides, I like your guy. Don’t want to see nothing happen to him, he makes some damn good videos, man.”

“Fuck off,” Syn barked a laugh, pushing Ruxs’ shoulder. The ribbing and Ruxs’ suggestion had lifted Syn’s spirits. He pulled out his cell and hit the number one speed dial. He needed to see where Furi was now. He’d only texted him a couple times all day but Furi must’ve known he’d be concerned because he’d checked in with Syn periodically throughout the day. Syn's last text had told him to go with Doug and his new manager to his apartment to touch base with his landlady and get some more clothes for the next few days. Not so Syn could protect him, but because he wanted to be with him.

Syn heard the phone ringing and hit the speakerphone.

“Hey you.”

Syn couldn’t help but smile at the sound of Furi’s deep voice doing their familiar greeting. “Hey back.”

“You headed home?” Furi asked him.

Home. It almost sounded like they lived together. “Yeah. I am. Where are you?”

“I’m at the pub.”

“You are?” Syn’s heart jumped.

“I’m with Doug. Calm down, baby. I’m safe,” Furi said seductively. His tone made Syn’s cock twitch in the confinement of his jeans.

“Be there in fifteen.”

“Alright. I’ll be here.”

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance