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“Actually, yes. I do have an alibi,” Furi answered.

“I’m sure he had some guy’s dick up his ass last night,” Sasha added.

“I’m confused. Sasha, Angelica. Did I do something?” Furi pointed at his chest. “I really don’t know why you're attacking me like this.”

“You don’t have to explain shit to these bitches,” Doug hissed.

Furi looked at his best friend, wishing he’d tone it down, because the name-calling wasn’t helping. “Don’t call them bitches, Doug.”

“Seriously, Sasha.” Furi stepped a little closer to her and lowered his voice. “Is this about me not doing the scene with you?”

“Fuck you,” she flung at him. “You think your dick is golden or something. I don’t give a damn about you not fucking me. Probably saved me from getting some nasty disease.”

“Oh please, you probably pop penicillin like Tic Tacs, with all the cocks you fuck on the regular,” Doug jumped in again.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Furi shook his head sadly. “Let’s just go wait for the meeting to start, Doug.”

“Yeah, go on, Doug. Go with your boyfriend. Yours is probably the cock he had in his mouth last night.”

“Yep, sure was. And he gives better head than you.”

Doug and Furi were rounding the corner and the yelling still reached their ears. “Don’t you think you could’ve handled that a little better?” Furi asked.

“What?” Doug feigned innocence.

“Not all female performers are bitches or tramps.” Furi shook his head.

“No, not all. Just them.” Doug responded as they entered the meeting.

Furi’s next comment was cut short when Mack and his assistant came into the cramped room. The furniture had been removed so they could fit more people in. The studio was used mainly for orgies and poly scenes. It was the largest space they had in the building, so all meetings were held there. Furi looked around the room. There were actually a few people missing, but he still chose not to draw any conclusions.

Mack’s hair looked like he’d been pulling it half the morning. His tie was loosened at the collar of his wrinkled dress shirt. His khaki pants had a couple dark stains on the front and Furi thought this was the messiest he’d ever seen Mack look. Furi could only imagine what the man had been through the last few hours, and if his beard stubble was any indication, he had been awake half the night.

“Thanks everyone for coming on such short notice. I know most of you have day jobs, so I’ll try to make this quick. Last night a little after midnight, Jake Starman was killed leaving the studio after his shoot.”

Mack paused as several gasps and ‘oh no's' echoed in the room. Doug turned and looked at Furi for his reaction, but he didn’t really have one. He’d run into Jake a few times, but he didn’t really know the guy. All he knew was the man was bisexual, leaning more towards women than men. He was handsome, with chiseled features, a warm smile, and sexy brown bedroom eyes. It was his tattoos that had led Furi to have an occasional conversation with him. Jake had commented on Furi’s sleeves, asking him about ideas for his next tat. He was always smiling and pleasant to be around if you were milling around the break room waiting for your scene to start. Who the hell would want to kill him?

Mack put his hand up to quiet the room when questions started to fly. “I don’t know all the details, but I do know he was shot.” Mack rubbed his neck when more questions came in quick succession. “Yes, there is someone in custody, but the police suspect there may have been more assailants involved.”

Everyone was looking around at each other, looking for god-knew-what. Hell, Furi didn’t know if he should make eye contact or keep his head down. Was there one reaction that made him look guiltier than another? Then he thought about it. I was home with my friend all night. It doesn’t matter what face I make. Furi lifted his chin up.

“The police have a list of everyone’s name and contact information, I assume they’ll be contacting you at some point to take statements. Cooperate or don’t cooperate.” Mack turned to the company’s publicist. “Greg do you want to say something?”

The thin man was neatly dressed and looked as if he’d had a full night's sleep. His white polo shirt was crisp and clean, as were his jeans. His neatly trimmed beard drew your eye to the man’s mouth when he spoke. “I strongly recommend that you cooperate with the police department. I’ve been in contact with the Detectives from the drug task force that’s working with Homicide on this. They are a little intimidating, but we want Jake’s killer brought to justice, so if you know anything that may help, come see me in private. I won’t ask any questions, I’ll simply give you their information or you can contact them on your own. Illustra’s official position is that we do not condone our entertainers buying, using, or selling illegal substances and we are cooperating with the police in any way we can to get this matter resolved for Jake’s family. Under no circumstances is anyone to make a generalization about our employees to the authorities. Nor are you to speak to the press on Illustra’s behalf. Is that clear?” Greg paused while noting most people nodding their heads. “Excellent. With that said. All filming is to remain on schedule. If you are contacted for questioning during a scheduled shoot, please try to inform us as soon as possible. Any questions?”

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance