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“That was quick,” Furi laughed.

“Well, I’d already decided I’d get that one, just wanted to throw one more number out there at you.” Day shrugged.

“I couldn’t sell my dad’s bike, any more than you could sell your dad's jazz collection.” Furi looked down at Day and everyone recognized the moment Day got the point.

“Hey let’s celebrate that fucking trial being over this weekend,” Ruxs called out breaking the silence.

A lot of the mechanics around them whooped and hollered. Between Brenden and Patrick’s trial and the ladies of BTNS homicide trial it had been draining, on top of their other casework. They were happy the weekend was here and God and Day had given everyone two full days of R&R.

“Day what are y’all's plans for tonight?” Ro asked.

“Well,” Day drawled, “I was gonna redefine the word manhood for God, but I’m open to other suggestions.”

God lunged for Day but the smooth man slipped through his arms and sought refuge around the back of the truck.

Syn was cracking up along with everyone else until Ro continued. “Let’s get together tomorrow for the game. Bring some beer. Johnson has a whole box of Cubans from his trip to Cancun. Day and Furi can cook.”

“Whoa. You say that like we’re the little ladies who belong in the kitchen.” Day came back out with his chest puffed up.

Syn saw Furi shaking his head, a huge smile on his face as he listened to their banter, while working away on God’s truck. Ever since Furi and Day had cooked together and made a meal fit for a king’s table, everyone always offered up that suggestion. Honestly, Syn knew how much Furi loved it when the guys went on and on about their cooking.

“Furi doesn’t mind, huh Furi?” Ro added.

“Leave me out of it,” Furi chuckled. “But if Day wants help in the kitchen, I’d be happy to help him.”

“Well it’s settled,” Ro concluded.

“No the hell it’s not.” Day shoved Ro out the way and pointed his finger at all of them except Furi. “You guys are cooking for us and we’ll be in the den watching the game.”

Furi threw his head back laughing. “I like that plan.”

“I don’t,” Syn added.

“Show them you can cook in more than just the bedroom, baby.” Furi winked at Syn.

“TMI,” God grumbled.

“I just remembered I actually do have plans,” Ruxs said quickly.

“Fuck that. You too, Ruxs. Now it’s settled.” Day smirked. “Time to stop standing around looking pretty. Gentlemen, there’s bad guys to chase down out there. We gotta get back to the office.”

Syn waited for them to clear out. He stepped over beside God’s truck, looking up at his love. “I’ll see you tonight, gorgeous.”

“Yes, you will.” Furi leaned down and kissed him, slipping him a little tongue just before pulling back. “I love you. Be safe out there.”

“Love you too, Furious. And I’m always safe. Got too much to live for.”

The End.

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