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Next thing he knew he was being placed gingerly in the back seat of one of the fleet of Suburbans in front of Syn’s building. The sun was just coloring the sky in its majestic oranges and purples. If it was any other time, Furi would’ve stopped to enjoy it.

Syn slid in the backseat and laid Furi’s head in his lap. Furi didn’t remember much else after that. He was so fatigued, he finally let sleep claim him as he rode to the hospital, knowing that he was truly safe now.

‘Embrace Syn’

Furi turned toward the heat pressing into his side and yelped at the pain that jerked him fully awake. “Shit.”

“Easy, Furi.” Syn’s groggy voice was in his ear. Syn stroked his palm over his chest. “Do you need something? Can I get you another pain pill?”

“I need you,” Furi groaned.

Syn chuckled against his face. “Not for a while, love.”

Furi grumbled some obscenities while his cock ached between his legs. When they’d gotten back from the hospital it was almost nine a.m. but Furi had insisted on showering. Although his ribs were freshly wrapped, he’d told Syn to unwrap them. He’d refused to get in bed without washing the smell and the memory of the night off. Syn had thrown the sheets away and remade the bed for him, and Furi loved him even more for it. He slept hard and long. He’d hoped Syn had kept his promise and called Doug.

“Did you call Doug?”

“Yes,” Syn groaned. “He’ll be over when he leaves the shop. I told him you were fine and that Patrick was in jail. He wanted to come as soon as you got back this morning but I told him you were crashing.”

“Okay,” Furi said softly. He felt bad about the whole thing. He’d caused all the people that cared for him so much anguish. He wanted to stop being such a burden.

“Hey. Why all the sulking? Knock it off. I already know how your mind works. And if you’re even thinking of entertaining the thought that you wished you’d never caused any of this, you’re about to get socked in the balls again.”

Furi chuckled. Syn was right. He couldn’t think that way. He should just be thankful he had found such a wonderful family.

“No. You can’t hit my balls but you can touch them like this.” Furi spread his legs and cupped his balls, rolling them around in his fist.

“You’d better fuckin’ stop,” Syn murmured against his cheek.

“Or else what?” Furi moaned.

“Or else those ribs are never going to heal,” Day yelled from in the hall. “Now cut that shit out porn puppy and come eat, we bought you guys some lunch.”

“Damn you, Day,” Syn yelled. “I thought we were clear on the knocking first!”

Furi lifted the covers off him and slowly brought his legs over the edge of the bed, the exertion from those simple tasks making beads of sweat pop up on his forehead. “Mmmm. They can barge in as much as they want as long as they always bring food. Come on. Lunch sounds good, I’m starving.”

“If this is what we have to deal with to get food then I’d rather grocery shop and cook myself,” Syn grumbled.

“You need to buy some groceries anyway,” Furi admonished.

Syn grunted some choice curse words and kicked his covers off like a petulant child.

“I’ll even go with you to help ease the pain. That way you don’t end up with a cabinet full of Chef Boyardee and Spam.” Furi blew a kiss at Syn when Syn flipped him off.

“Be nice baby or I won’t cook for you,” Furi purred while looking up at Syn who’d eased between his spread legs.

“You sure you want to get up? I can bring it to you.” Syn smoothed his hand over Furi’s hair.

“No. I’m getting up. I’m fine, Syn. Don’t start fussing like a mother hen,” Furi said with a cheeky smile. He rose little by little from the bed and braced himself before he took the first step. Syn was there with a hand on his back ready to fully support him. “Just lean on me baby, I got you.” Syn wrapped Furi’s arm around his neck and took slow steps with him down the hall.

Furi stared at his man for a few minutes, in complete awe at how lucky he’d gotten. Finally the fates had smiled on him. When he’d first seen the mysteriously dark Detective at the end of the bar, he’d told himself that getting involved with him would be a huge mistake, and he’d fought Syn the best he could. But he was drawn to him. Like a moth to a flame. It just didn’t get any better than Sergeant Corbin Sydney and Furi was ready to fully embrace this relationship, ready to fully embrace Syn.

'You Cook For Us, Bitches'

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance