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Furi dropped his hand on Syn’s back as he rested his forehead on Furi's shoulder. “You were right on time, Syn. It’s okay. I’m okay.” He really was okay, just so exhausted he could probably sleep for days.

God and Day came back in with the other officers and Furi grunted, struggling to sit up. Syn rested his hand on Furi’s chest. “Don’t try to move, baby.”

Furi turned his head as Patrick was aggressively ushered out in handcuffs right before paramedics came in with a stretcher for Brenden.

“Is he dead?” Furi asked with little to no feeling. He kind of hoped he was.

“No,” Day told him. "Just unconscious. When he wakes, he can join his brother downtown."

A paramedic came over to Furi but he waved him away. Syn protested but Furi didn’t want to be prodded right then. He felt he just needed rest. The cuts and bruises would heal on their own with a little bit of Syn's TLC.

The stoner neighbor came out of the kitchen with two other officers. A paramedic had put a butterfly bandage above his eyebrow but he looked fine. Syn stood up and put his hand out to him. “I have no words to thank you. I have no words.” Syn’s voice was husky with emotion. “If it weren't for you Furi might be–” Syn choked on the last word.

“It’s all good, dude. Don’t sweat it. I gave my statement to the cops, so–” He trailed off and ran his hand over his stringy hair, barking a humorless laugh. “I was actually coming over to be a dick and yell at you to turn the music down when I heard him screaming. I’m just glad you’re alright, man.” Stoner looked at Furi and gave him a quick nod before leaving the apartment.

“You’ve gotta get that guy a coupon for unlimited free pizza deliveries or some shit like that,” Day said while flipping through some paperwork one of the officers handed him.

“Sergeant Sydney I’m going to need you to come down to the precinct and fill out–”

“We’ll take care of it,” God cut off the young officer. “First he’s going to take his partner to the hospital. Everything else can wait.”

“But, Lieutenant.”

“He said it can wait.” Day’s stern voice brooked no further argument. The officer took the clipboard from Day and left with the other officers. Just as the door was about to close, more of God and Day’s men came thundering in like a storm.

“Son of a bitch,” Ronowski grumbled.

“That fuckin bastard,” Ruxs added.

“Did you get women that tailed us?” God asked Ronowski.

“Yeah. We got 'em. I sent Jonas and Horne back to process them to make sure they’re properly charged."

The men were all staring sadly at Furi while they gave God an update.

Furi hadn’t seen his face but he was sure he had some bruises from all the blows he'd taken. “I’m alright fellas.” Furi managed a slight smile but he was having a hard time breathing. “It’s not as bad as it looks. You should see the other guys.”

Day went down on one knee and looked over Furi’s face. “You’re in pain.” Turning his attention to Syn he asked with sincerity. “May I?”

May he what?

Syn nodded his head and Day slowly began to pull up Furi’s shirt.


Syn’s pained frown told Furi how bad his torso must look. Day pressed and grazed certain areas, a hiss escaping Furi’s tight mouth. When Day applied a little pressure to Furi’s ribs, he wished he had been able to contain the scream but he couldn’t. The agony was clear in his voice.

“Enough,” Syn snapped.

“He has broken ribs.” Day stood back up. “Can you carry him to the truck?”

“Yes.” Syn carefully pulled Furi’s shirt down and Furi caught his hand before he could pull back. He knew Syn was blaming himself for this, and it was killing Furi to see such hurt on Syn’s face. He mouthed 'I love you' and Syn squeezed his hand and brought it to his lips kissing his knuckles. “I love you too,” he whispered.

“Ro grab that quilt off the top shelf in the front closet,” Syn said. He took the offered blanket and wrapped it around Furi. “I’m gonna be as gentle as I can, okay baby?”

Furi nodded and gritted his teeth when Syn lifted him. Searing pain shot through his body but he kept his grunts to a minimum as he tried to appear tough in front of all the big bad Detectives. One of the task force members opened the door and Syn eased him through it, making his way down the hall. Furi kept his head buried in Syn’s shoulder while in the elevator and Syn leaned his head into him.

“I missed you while I was gone,” Syn whispered, holding him as tight as he could without hurting him.

Furi smiled tiredly against Syn’s neck. “I missed you baby.”

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance