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Alek stood and closed the drapes, blocking out the sunlight. “I don’t think you’d be up this early if you couldn’t tolerate it.”

“You’re probably right. It’s still hard to just willingly step out into the sun…”

“I can imagine. I guess that’s equivalent to you guys committing suicide.” Alek said. Deep lines scored his forehead and his left eyelid twitched as if he was distracted.

Bell licked his lips and swallowed at the heat building in his throat. His beloved was muscular and strong and full of nourishment. He couldn’t turn away from the sight the large alpha made as he moved around his bedroom. Alek stood with his back to him and threw on a worn Colorado Rockies T-shirt. When Alek turned to face him, Bell let his gaze roam down Alek’s six-foot-two frame to the bulge that was more than visible through the thin sweats he’d worn to bed. Bell had felt it pressed against his hip while he’d dozed, and he’d been torn between reaching for his desire and playing hard to get. After their fumbled introduction, they’d agreed—in no uncertain terms last night—to slow things down and get to know each other. “Um,” Alek started hesitantly.

Bell studied him.

“I have a little cottage on Mount Osceola, higher in the mountains. Only my siblings know about it. I was hoping I could take you there. Justice gave me a couple days off so we could, you know…”

“Mate.” Bell smirked.

“I was gonna say talk.” Alek laughed uncomfortably.

Bell could practically hear Alek’s elevated heart rate. His pulse thrummed and his breaths were labored but it wasn’t from lust, it was from something more urgent.

“I really think we need the time alone, don’t you?” Alek rasped.

“Yes. However, a secluded weekend may not be feasible right now. It’s nice your alpha gave you the weekend off, but my king didn’t grant me such luxuries. I have an important job to do here.” Bell finger-combed his long hair the best he could and twisted it into a messy bun at the nape of his neck. He tucked his black dress shirt into his tailored slacks and secured his belt. His clothes were a bit wrinkled which was unlike him. He was always mindful of his appearance. He needed to get himself together, but he couldn’t leave. Not with the foreign ache in his chest. The shattered look on Alek’s face was making everything outside of the room seem insignificant. “I need to ask you a question first.”

“You can ask me anything.” Alek sat at the foot of the bed and fisted his hands on his thighs. His voice was strained and he held his muscular body tightly, as if he were battling for restraint.

Bell leaned on the wall and steepled his hands together in front of him, “Then tell me who it was that bit me three nights ago, because it wasn’t you, Alek. Last night’s bite was all you.”

Alek jerked his head up. He opened his mouth then shut it before closing his eyes tightly. He murmured under his breath as if he was having a conversation with someone else. He shook his head. “I don’t know what—?”

“I think you do.” Bell’s footsteps were slow and careful. He didn’t know why, but his instincts were telling him to tread lightly. He stopped just in front of Alek’s knees and slowly brought his hand up in an effort to satisfy his need to touch him. He palmed his chin. “Look at me.”

Alek groaned, but he let Bell tilt his head upwards. He still didn’t open his eyes, and Bell couldn’t help wondering what dread lurked behind those sealed eyelids.

“Just go away with me. Please, Belleron.”

Bell frowned again. He’d been three-quarters erect ever since he’d gotten his first taste of Alek’s rare blood last night, but he’d been able to control himself. Alek’s craving, his body’s reactions were far surpassing mate-lust.

“No. I have work, first. Then we talk next.” Bell stood taller.

Alek shot to his feet. Though they were almost the same height, the alpha seemed to tower over him, growling in his face, “THERE IS NO TIME!” Heat rushed into the room, followed by a surge of energy that knocked Bell off his feet. Wide-eyed, he stumbled backwards and hurried to recover, pulling himself up against the wall.

“Oh god.” Alek opened his eyes after a couple of seconds, looking shocked. “Oh no. Bell. Are you all right? I’m sorry. He didn’t mean… I mean, I didn’t mean to…” Alek reached out to him, but Bell flinched away from his grasp. And there were no words to describe Alek’s devastated expression when he did.

Wick hadn’t told him there were shifters like this. Defective ones. Bell didn’t speak again. Obviously, what he’d said before hadn’t been the right words, so he chose to stay silent. He wasn’t sure he wanted to feel Alek’s special gift again, if that was it. He’d always heard that shifters were incapable of harming their true mates. He’d thought wolves guarded and protected their loved ones with their lives. But, that didn’t seem to be the case for him.

Tags: A.E. Via The King & Alpha Paranormal