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Frowning at his scattered thoughts, Justice finally opened his mouth, his voice sounding like claws against rough bark. “It’s the Vampire King. He’s my mate. My true mate,” Justice confessed, slumping down the wall into a heap of exhaustion.

S even calls, all unanswered.

Did shifters not feel the same mate tug as vampires? His kind didn’t call them mates, they were called Beloveds and they were very rare and precious in his world. Practically recherché. If anyone, any vampires, knew Wick was being rejected by his Beloved, they’d attack him in no time. And defeat him. It was the only way. Not being able to have his mate’s blood would weaken and eventually, kill him. Wick was already famished for him. If only Justice hadn’t touched him. When he’d leaned in close to look into Wick’s eyes, the shifter’s large chest brushed his and that was all it took. Nothing else would occupy Wick’s mind. No one else would be able to satisfy him. He could never feed from another. Their blood would poison him. Wick hadn’t had to think twice about it when Justice got close to him. He’d never refuse Justice’s touch.

Wick was still lying down on the ground staring up to where the sun was due to make a glorious appearance in about an hour. Maybe he’d go ahead and lie there and cook for a while, get the process of death moving faster… no need to delay the inevitable. His inside was deathly silent. He felt nothing, no beating heart, no breaths, no beast. Just loneliness. Suffering. Wick squeezed his eyes shut at what he supposed would be one of his final thoughts. At least I had one small sliver of contact with my Beloved before I died.

“Do you think I’d gift to you one of my greatest creations and only allow you a sliver of contact with him, my dear Chadwick?”

Wick heard the question spoken softly aloud before an angelic figure floated down to him, her bare feet landing gracefully on the ground next to Wick’s outstretched hand. When had he done that? What was he reaching for?

“Get up, dear heart. Be the true mate my son was given.”

Wick squinted, but that was ridiculous because there was absolutely nothing wrong with his vision. Though he was hungry, he wasn’t in a lethargic state from starvation… yet. He knew he was wide awake and actually seeing the beautiful, long-haired woman only a few feet in front of him. Her glow, or maybe it was her aura, attracted more wildlife to them as if she was manna from heaven. He was captivated. She was magnificently ethereal and she looked so warm… and so familiar. Her sparkling blue eyes were shinier and more majestic than the Upsala ice caps. Wick stood and brushed off the larger pieces of debris from his suit, still watching as she returned his gaze with a peaceful smile.

“That’s more like it.” She crossed both hands in front of her long, ivory sarong that dragged dramatically behind her as she moved.

“Are you Mother Nature?” Wick had to ask. Who else could she be, if not—?

Her bird-song laugh cut him off but he didn’t mind. It sounded nice to him and Wick felt the entity inside him come back to life. Wick almost dropped to one knee in relief. When had he grown to need and rely on that part of himself? Not until Wick couldn’t feel his beast anymore did it threaten to consume him. Wick was starting to need it too much.

“No. I’m not the Mother. That was her message for you, though. She had a more stubborn person to visit with tonight. I decided to come see you.” She wore a sorrowful expression. “My heart was breaking for you. For your defeated spirit. I know my son can be a proud man. He’s his father’s son, but he’s also the…” She stopped and turned away. “I can’t say very much. You and Justice have to figure this out together. He will come around, I promise, Chadwick. Please don’t give up.”

“You’re Justice’s mother?”

“I am.” Her smile returned as quickly and easily as the morning dawn. “And the Mother sent me to you. She’s always been with you, dear Chadwick. There was so much you had to learn before it was time to fulfill your destiny, but she never left you alone. You and my son are meant to do such wonderful things.”

Wick shook his head as he choked out his words. “He doesn’t want me. I’m vile to him. He’d rather throw his body on a sacrificial altar than allow me to feed from him.”

She responded by walking right up to him until she was only inches away. Wick welcomed the calming breeze and the earthy scent she brought with her. “I shouldn’t say too much, but you need this.” Her words were only a gust of sound on the wind. Secrets. “Justice’s wolf is one of the most powerful that has been and will ever be. It can get through to the man, the human in Justice – that part that struggles with the idea of a vampire mate – his wolf will claim his mate and have it no other way. You’ve been blessed with a gift inside you, Chadwick, to get through to Justice’s animal.”

Tags: A.E. Via The King & Alpha Paranormal