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Kell rubbed the smooth ring on his finger. He already had its fine details sealed in his mind. He caressed the three diamonds set in the jet-black opal band. Ty had told him the three diamonds represented their mind, body, and spirit and the band represented eternity.

You have all of me. Forever. Ty had told him with pure sincerity in his eyes as he slid the sleek band onto his finger. Kell couldn’t believe how much he’d gone through to get everything just right for them. The jewelry, all if it, was so masculine and beautiful at the same time. He truly was the luckiest man in the world.

After about ten more minutes of driving, Kell noticed the surface of the road change as if they were no longer on asphalt. The car coasted slowly for a while before he felt Ty make a sharp turn and ease the powerful car to a stop. Kell wanted to rip the cover off his eyes, but he wouldn’t ruin Ty’s surprise.

“Okay. We’re home,” Ty said.

“I can take this off now?” Kell asked excitedly.

“It’s the only way you’ll be able to see,” Ty teased.

Kell took off the blindfold and tossed it at his husband then turned and looked out of his window. No freakin way. All he could do was stare and try to breathe. This couldn’t be his home. It was brand new. The lawn didn’t even have grass yet, just dirt and a few newly planted shrubs around the porch.

“Welcome home, Kellam Knight Jenkins.”

He heard Ty’s door open, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the small ranch-style home in front of him. It was perfect. Ty opened his door and helped his stunned body out of the car. He glanced around at the neighborhood. It was quiet and peaceful in the middle of the afternoon. Their closest neighbor was a little ways down and there were two new houses being built across the street. It was an up and coming development. There were no gang members lingering or people milling about on their porches.

“Ty.” Kell stared at him in awe. In complete and total shock. What in the world had he done? Did he seriously buy them a home?

“Come on let’s go inside.” Ty was watching his every reaction.

Kell stood, bouncing impatiently on the balls of his feet while Ty unlocked the decorative front door. A chime sounded when they entered, and a computerized voice announced the ‘front door is open’.

Kell raised his brow in question.

“It’s the alarm system,” Ty said and set Kell’s bag down in the small foyer.

He walked farther into the bare house, the heels of his dress shoes echoing loudly on the shiny tiles. The paint, the flooring, even the carpet all smelled new. Like the way a car smelled when it was right off the showroom floor. The house had an open floor plan with high ceilings and skylights. A gas fireplace was on one wall that was also wired for a mounted television and theater system. Straight ahead were the patio doors that led to their nice-sized backyard. Kell spun in a circle in the empty space feeling like he was in a fairytale movie. The modern kitchen was to his right. All the appliances were stainless steel. There wasn’t much else in there beside a large bowl of oranges on the island.

“It’s ours. No mortgage. Now all we have to do is furnish it.” Ty laughed, removing his and Kell’s heavy coats and laying them over the breakfast bar.

Kell put his hands over his mouth, not believing his eyes or his ears.

“So, this is what you and Brian have been working on?” Kell’s voice was hoarse he was so overwhelmed.

“Not quite. My father bought this land when I was twelve and gave it to me. There was nothing here at the time but trees. He said it was gonna be prime real estate one day. When he passed away, I used all of his benefits to care for my mom. He left me a separate policy that I put in a money market account for seven years. When I thought it was time, I started negotiations with a homebuilder. That was almost a year ago. I knew I had to get out the hood, Kellam. It’s not a place for men like us, baby. It wears on the mind. Makes a good man have to do bad things.”

“What we did the other day wasn’t bad… it was necessary.” Kell hugged Ty around his waist. He didn’t want him thinking about Black Rock or any other negative thoughts. They were here. They were safe. “None of that matters now.”

“Com’ere, shorty, let me show you something.” Ty led him down the short hallway to the one door on the right. He opened it and let Kell step inside the empty bedroom. “I thought this could be your meditation room. It’s the only room that catches the morning sunrise.”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance