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“So true, little brother, so true.” Vaughan chuckled. “See you in an hour.”


He checked himself one last time in the full-length mirror in his hotel room. He peeped down at his cell phone lying on the bed, wondering if he should text Kell. He didn’t really have anything to say besides he missed him. He hadn’t seen him since yesterday morning, now it was almost eleven at night. As far as he knew, Kell had spent most of the day with Quick’s son, “handling business”, he’d said. What kind of business does he have? Maybe he was working on his own surprise like Ty was.

He felt ready to do this. He’d come up with a plan that was gonna make his bosses realize that he and Kell were valuable assets. They were doing things differently but not necessarily wrong. He wanted to keep Duke’s reputation of being a fair and successful agency, while making sure safety remained top priority. Anytime he could come up with a plan that’d put Kell in the least amount of danger would be his ultimate goal with every retrieval. With Brian still in his ear giving him advice, he knew he’d be great at this job.

Ty walked through the hotel lobby, and already he could tell his outfit was working. Heads were turning in his direction and eyes were lingering on him. When he got in the back seat of the car service he’d rented for the night, he texted Kell and told him he’d be there in twenty minutes. When the driver turned onto Kell’s street, his stomach finally started to react from the nerves. He had his second gift in his coat pocket, waiting for Kell’s approval.

Ty was just about to get out of the town car when Kell came through the door dressed to fucking kill. All he could do was sit there and gape as he descended the stairs. Everything slowed down as his beautifully layered hair theatrically caught the wind. He’s mine. Kell was dressed in tight leather pants that had a few chains woven haphazardly into the legs. His tunic was new and fierce. The bottom half, the sleeves, and the oversized hood were all genuine leather, but the entire top half was black mesh. Ty imagined the frigid weather would keep Kell’s nipples flushed and hard tonight. Ty palmed his dick.

The driver opened the door for Kell. When he got inside, he took one look at Ty and was in his lap. Ty plunged in hands into Kell’s glossy hair and slammed their mouths together. He liked the way Kell admired him—all heat and want. His dick tried to stab through his black Kenneth Cole jeans.

“You look good as hell,” Kell said, between wet kisses.

“So do you. I like seeing you in my ice, shorty,” Ty said, caressing the gold around Kell’s neck. It looked dope as hell against the black leather. Ty smoothed his hand over Kell’s toned chest. “If I’d known you were gonna look this hot I would’ve had a contingency plan.”

“Your coat will stop traffic alone. You look like a superstar.” Kell stroked the velvety black and gray chinchilla fur that made up the wide collar and lapels of Ty’s leather coat. “Is it real?”

“Yes.” Ty laughed lightly against Kell’s throat. He just couldn’t seem to drag his nose anywhere else. Kell had the audacity to have on cologne. And from the way Ty’s dick was pulsing and his hips flexing, the fragrance worked perfectly with his body chemistry. “This was my eighteenth birthday gift from my father. He had it made for me when he was in Dubai. It was the last gift delivered to me.”

“You wear it like a king.” Kell smoothed his hand down the butter-soft leather of his sleeve.

“Thank you.” Ty squeezed Kell’s waist, closing his eyes at the lust consuming him. His lips found Kell’s again. He tasted fiery tonight.

“This is definitely gonna work,” Kell moaned as the car rocked and shifted his ass on Ty’s lap.

Work? Shit. Work. Damn. That’s what his sexy knight did to him. Work. That’s what they were supposed to be doing. Ty brought their passion down and eased Kell next to him, setting his ripe ass on the seat and not on his dick. Ty texted Duke to make sure he had everyone in position and to let him know they were on their way.

“Did you get everything handled yesterday and today?” Ty asked, licking his kiss-tender lips.

Kell’s eyes followed Ty’s tongue.

“Yes. I got my apartment pretty much packed up.” Kell’s smile was wide. “Surprisingly, it didn’t take long, and Vaughan helped me too.”

“Good.” Ty pulled a slender box from his coat pocket. Kell was looking through the window, distracted by a late night road crew working on Piedmont. When he turned his head back around, Ty had his gift on display.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance