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Ty leaned against the wall, and without much thought he reached out and gently pinched the material of Kell’s hoodie in front of his navel, and used it to pull him closer. He was standing too far away. They weren’t touching, but their body language didn’t scream friends. Over Kell’s head he spotted a group of college-age females staring in their direction. Correction. In Kell’s direction. Staring down at Kell, he could see why. He was exotically beautiful. He could admit it. Everyone in the restaurant noticed him. Noticed his smooth, angular face, his strong, but lithe physique beneath his all-black outfit. When he’d first stepped in the door out of the cold winter air he’d looked like a dangerous ninja, an assassin, until he’d unveiled himself and transformed into an angel right before their eyes. He leaned forward and draped Kell’s hood back over his head.

Kell’s twisted his small mouth, “I told you the hair is… It gets attention. Am I embarrassing you?”

“No,” Ty said honestly.

“Then what is it?”

“I only want one set of eyes on you.”

Kell’s breath shuttered at Ty’s serious expression. Being out in public with Kell awakened a territorial spirit inside him that was both confusing and exciting.

“Mine.” Ty said, keeping it ’a’ hundred.


How the hell was he supposed to eat when Ty was sitting right beside him in the booth, instead of across from him like normal people would. They were so close their thighs touched. Kell’s nostrils flared again, Ty smelled so good, or maybe it was his lotion, or hair product. He wasn’t sure and didn’t care. He found himself leaning in for more between bites of his salad. Kell looked over to find Ty had that ‘what’s exactly happening here’ smirk on his face. It seemed Ty wasn’t the only one baffled by their body language.

If anyone else had tried to give Kell a handout or pay anything for him, he’d have refused immediately. It was the main reason he hadn’t gone into the Rib Shack with his sensei. He would’ve automatically put his bill with his because he knew Kell was on an unbelievably tight budget and didn’t have extra money. What his sensei did for him already was enough, he wouldn’t be extravagant and eat out on his dime as well.

But, Ty… Ty went about it in a whole other way. The way he’d presented the offer made Kell feel cherished. The thought of being a burden hadn’t once crossed his mind. Ty had asked to feed him. He’d said please as if he needed to do it, not had to. That’s why Kell had agreed.

“How’s your salad?”

Kell slowly closed his eyes and let out an inaudible breath. That damn voice. It was so rich and sensual. Heaven help me. Just three words, that’s all Ty had purred close to his ear, yet he couldn’t arrange them in his mind to formulate what question he’d just asked. So, instead of saying ‘um, it’s almost four o’clock’, he put another fork full of leafy romaine in his mouth.

“I guess that says it all.” Ty laughed lightly.

Does he have to sit right on top of me? Kell groaned under his breath at the sudden tightening in his briefs. Oh hell. It’s been way too long, that’s all. Hell, hell, hell. First, I’m calling on heaven now I’m thinking of hell.

“How about one of those questions now?” Ty kept going, still leaning in close to Kell’s ear as if others were trying to listen to their conversation.

Kell looked up and noticed a few eyes flicking in their direction, trying to see them without being seen themselves. He always saw them. However, Ty seemed oblivious. Didn’t he care that these people were associating him—with all his style—with the long-haired, queer man?

“I have a question first.” Kell huffed.

Ty smiled that damn arrogant grin, “Okay. Sure.”

Kell aggressively whipped away a little raspberry vinaigrette from the corner of his mouth with his napkin before setting it down and turning his entire body toward Ty. “Do you see these people looking at you? At me? They think we’re together, Tyrell. They think you’re with me. Really with me. And it’s not my fault, it’s yours. You held the door for me, ordered my food like a man does for woman on a date, then you…” Kell lowered his voice a little, his tone naturally going softer when he thought of Ty’s touch. “You keep touching me and… and pulling me close to you. Look how closely we’re sitting now. There’s a whole other seat over there ya’ know.”

Kell stopped himself. He’d said enough. But, he was done with the yo-yoing. Ty was going to explain himself. Explain why he’d acted as if he’d never seen a gay man until this morning, now he was pretending they were a gay couple. Come-the-hell-on? This was not how grown men behaved. Kell didn’t have time for games.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance