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Ty stood. “You’re right. That’s all he needs to know. He knows what you got, now he’s gonna make sure he’s got more. What about when Sasha walks the nine blocks to school? You gonna be there with your burner then? Because he might.”

“If you’d walk me to and from school like I asked, you wouldn’t have to worry about it!” Sasha piped up from her bedroom.

Ty looked expectantly at Cheddar. “She’s not married. She has no father in the home… only her big brother. The responsibility falls on you.”

“Man, she gotta be at school at fuckin’ eight in the morning!” Cheddar balked.

Ty stared at him with a stern expression. “Don’t get mad at another man for seizing an opportunity when you were sleeping on the job.”

Cheddar frowned but seemed to take in what Ty said. He tucked his forty-five back into his pants and stood, his voice full of bass. “Sasha, wake me up by six forty-five and make sure the coffee’s fresh!”

Ty smirked and gave Cheddar another pound. “Catch you later, man.”

“Peace,” Cheddar mumbled, locking the multiple locks behind him.


Ty’s mind was still on his situation as he left Cheddar’s block. He took the bus back to his side. He had another stop to make at Sharain’s shop to deliver her new package, and his next drop-off was one of Rock’s bootlegger spots, just a few streets from his place. The bus was crowded, and he quickly noticed and disregarded the passengers just as fast as they did him. A man about his age got on at the next stop, shuffling large shopping bags and a huge cell phone tucked between his shoulder and ear. He made his way to an empty seat and daintily placed his bags beside him, crossing his legs and flipping his nonexistent long hair.

“Oh girl, you wouldn’t believe she tried to come at me when I didn’t even send for her, you hear me?” The man giggled the same way the ladies did in the salon.

It was evident the guy didn’t hide his sexuality and was very comfortable in his skin, if the blue suede boots and skinny jeans weren’t indication enough. Ty held back a grin when the man went on with his obnoxious conversation. He was ignoring it, and so were the other patrons. When Ty needed privacy and peace of mind, he didn’t take MARTA.

“Fuckin’ loud ass, fruitcake. They worse than some of these bitches. Running they damn mouth.”

Ty didn’t have to turn around to know the two assholes in the back row, one on the left and one on the right of the aisle were the ones spouting hate. Ty sensed they had no women in their lives. A good mother, a wife, sisters, nothing. Because if they did then they wouldn’t speak that way and refer to women as bitches.

The man let his phone slide off his shoulder and glared at the guys. After a few tense seconds he put his phone back to his ear. “Oh nothing girl. Just the same bullshit, different day.”

“Got something you want to say to me, bitch?” the idiot yelled loud enough to turn the bus driver’s head.

The slim man rolled his eyes while nonchalantly staring at his long blue and gold nails as if all this was beneath him. He yawned and went back to his conversation.

“Say what’s on your mind, cupcake!”

“Hey! Enough! Or you two will have to get off at the next stop,” the driver called out.

Everything was quiet for the rest of the trip. No one got off, including Ty. He knew exactly what was about to happen, and he had a feeling the slim man on his phone did too. He tucked his cell away, his expression grim and a little nervous as he pulled the handle for the bus to stop. Just as Ty thought, the assholes in the back followed right behind the slim man and Ty followed right behind them. If a man was gonna do dirt, he should always watch his back. Ty moved slowly, with his collar pulled over his ears. The anxious man kept looking back as he tried to move through the dense crowd at the intersection, trying to lose his tail.

The assholes caught up to their target, whispering something in his ear from behind. The man stiffened and moved in the opposite direction of the crowd, at his tormentor’s demand.

“This is crazy. You think I won’t press charges? Just let me go.” The man gritted through clenched teeth as he moved back down the sidewalk in the opposite direction.

Ty turned and followed, staying inconspicuous, trying to keep a decent distance but close enough to react. He knew these cowards wouldn’t do anything on the streets in broad daylight. When a man is dead wrong, he’ll do his dirt in the dark where no one else will see and judge him. Ty would be their judge and if it came to it… he’d be their executioner. The two jerks were scoping for a side alley to turn down, and sure enough the opportunity arose as soon as they rounded the corner. The taller of the two assholes shoved the man into a darkened nook that held the trashcans for the apartment complex they were behind. His shopping bags flew out of his hand as he hurried to right himself. He looked horrified, then angry.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance