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With their foreheads pressed together, Vaughan kept up a steady and smooth rhythm. Duke felt Vaughan reach down and pull the covers back up to their waist. Covering them both and wrapping his arm up and across Duke’s chest, securing him to him. Vaughan linked his fingers over Duke’s shoulder and pushed him down as he eased up. It was a gentle forcefulness that made Duke see stars. That wonderful cock touching places he didn’t think could be reached. It made him cry out to Vaughan for more. Regardless who heard, he made sure Vaughan knew that what he was doing to him had never been done before.

Vaughan rubbed all over his chest. Squeezing his pecs and twisting his nipples, while still keeping his movements slow and stimulating, never amping up the tempo to where things could get rough and frantic. It was so romantic and sensual, perfect for their first time. The room was dim, the candles’ flames casting a beautiful luminance on their lovemaking. And that’s what it was. As much as Duke loved to be rode hard, he couldn’t deny how wonderful the feelings were that he and Vaughan shared. And based on the sounds coming from behind him he was confident that his new lover was pleased.

“Oh, Duke. Damn I’ve waited so long. Nothing has ever felt this good to me. I love you so much. Come on, sweetheart. Come with me. I need to come inside you.” Vaughan’s movements became less rhythmic, jerkier. “I feel like I can’t get deep enough.”

Duke gasped for breath when Vaughan went deeper. “It’s deep enough, babe. Trust me. It’s so fuckin’ deep.”

Vaughan’s smile could be felt against Duke’s cheek. “Yeah. And you’re so tight. Like you’ve been waiting for me.” Vaughan pulled all the way out until the tip of his cock was just outside Duke’s hole before he eased all the way in to the root.

Duke screamed out, his orgasm slamming into him with full force, completely taking him by surprise. “Vaughan! Fuck! I’m coming!” Duke groaned like he was in excruciating pain but Vaughan was making sounds very similar to his as he felt warmth flood his already hot channel. “Oh, god. I feel you. Feel you inside me.”


Duke’s confined heat seared Vaughan through his shaft to his aching balls. A spark ignited in his groin and radiated through every part of his body that was in contact with Duke’s—which was all of him. Nothing could’ve prepared him for the real thing. To finally have his heart’s desire.

Vaughan held on to Duke for dear life as he let his seed flood him. “Fuck, you’ve got a sexy hole.” Vaughan breathed heavily even though the loving had been slow. His orgasm had stolen his breath away.

They laid there for an unknown amount of time, holding and loving each other.

“Was it worth it?” Duke said into Vaughan’s bicep, which was pressed against his cheek.

“Every damn year that I waited for you was worth every second of what we just did.” Vaughan eased out of Duke’s ass. He watched his come drip out of Duke’s hole and slick down the hairs that surrounded his opening. A sight he’d never tire of.

“How are you feeling?” Duke sounded like he was almost asleep.

“I feel like I’m floating. I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t go.”

“I’m gonna get us a washcloth and clean you up and then you’re going to sleep in my arms until the sun rises.”

“Hmm,” Duke hummed his approval.

When Vaughan finally finished cleaning himself off and brought a warm cloth for Duke, his man was already asleep. He couldn’t help but puff his chest out. Carefully, he wiped Duke’s thighs and crease free of his juices, then oh so gently wiped over Duke’s stretched hole. He wanted to push his finger back inside and stroke until they were both ready to go again, but he wouldn’t dare deprive Duke of some much needed rest.

He blew out the candles and made his way back to the other side off the bed. Again he pulled up the covers and folded himself back over Duke’s prone body. Damn, he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Squeezing Duke tighter to him, Vaughan cleared his mind of all thoughts except Duke and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

He felt Duke stirring beside him and it pulled him from a very delicious dream, but when Duke nestled back into his growing morning wood, he quickly realized the real in-the-flesh version was so much better than the dream substitute. Their hips begin to move together as both of them woke from their deep sleep and drifted into sexual abandon.

Duke moaned; pressing back harder and lifting his thigh back over the pillows. Vaughan could still see the slick around his hole. He felt around blindly not even wanting to open his eyes to the warmth of the morning sun he felt on his face. Touch and sound were all he used. He learned the curve of Duke’s hips that rose over a firm, fuzzy ass and sloped down to the top of hard, muscular thighs. He trailed up Duke’s crease until he felt the tight skin surrounding his way to heaven and pushed in. “Mmmmmmm,” he whimpered carnally.

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance