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He’d gotten a call from Quick that Vaughan’s flight had arrived safely and they were having dinner at one of Duke’s favorite restaurants, but he’d declined the invitation to join them, wanting to give them some bonding time. Which meant Duke was left to do what he usually did on any given night. Turn on an old movie and cook a meal for one.

It was after two in the morning and Duke had enough of Die Hard for one night. “Damn. How many of those movies did he make?” he murmured, moving around his condo turning off lights and locking up. He could still hear the quiet, soothing sound of jazz music filtering through his neighbor’s wall and into his bedroom. From what Duke knew of his young neighbor, he played concert piano and saxophone, and was a music major at Clark University. Some variety of music could always be heard wafting from his place and Duke just thanked the gods that his neighbor wasn’t an aspiring rapper. Jazz he could handle.

He turned on the high-powered showerhead in his master bathroom and stepped in while it quickly heated up. He washed up efficiently, pausing just briefly to pay extra attention to his sensitive balls. Leaning against the warm tiles, he leaned his head back and let the water beat on his chest while he gently stroked himself. It wasn’t done with real purpose; it was simply make him feel a hint of euphoria. He hadn’t beat one off in weeks. Not in the mood. He actually wouldn’t mind a damn good release right then, but a part of his brain kept reminding him how pathetic he’d become and then like clockwork… there went his erection.

After drying off, he pulled back the covers on his king-sized bed and climbed in naked. Lying in the dark, listening to muffled sounds of jazz, his phone buzzed with a missed message. It was almost three a.m. It had to be a bond request. Scrubbing his hands over his face, he woke up his phone and saw it was a message from Quick. Not bothering to read the message, he immediately dialed his number, hitting the speakerphone.

“Hello, Duke. Long time no hear.”

What the… “Who’s this?”

The sexy, deep chuckle that came through his speaker and resonated in his groin had him frowning at his body’s reaction. It’s been way too long.

“It has been a long time. My father is in the bathroom so I picked up when I saw your name on the screen.”

Shit. It’s Vaughan. Nope. Definitely not the young-sounding, scrawny high school geek he remembered. “Damn. Sorry, Vaughan. I didn’t recognize your voice. You’ve grown… I mean you’re older. No. You just sure sound different.” Duke rolled his eyes at his ridiculous rambling.

“Interesting,” Vaughan said sensually, his voice a deep, melodic purr. “Although it’s been three years. You sound just like I remember, Duke. So how have you been?”

Duke’s mouth was hanging open and it took him a second to realize he was talking to his best friend’s son, not some phone sex operator. He had to clear his throat before he could continue. “I’ve been real good. Business is good, of course. I’m sure your dad told you all about it.”

“Yes, he did. But I’d like to hear it from you.”

Duke frowned again. Either it’d been a while, or he was imagining the flirtatious tone of the conversation. Had to be. Duke remembered those days. Guys or girls. It made him no difference. Vaughan was in his early thirties, he’d flirt with a damn mailbox if it was designed prettily enough. Duke finally got himself together. “So what was Quick calling me for at this hour?”

“He wanted you to come join in on the fun. We’re at Harry’s, but I think we’re gonna call it a night. I have an interview and I’m sure y’all have work to do.”

Duke couldn’t get over how mature Vaughan sounded. He’d been in the kid’s life since he was a teen. Since his freshman year in high school. He knew the guy would grow up to be amazing. He’d always had a level head. Never got caught up in the bullshit that so many kids did these days. He looked forward to talking to him again.

“Yeah. I’m going into the office tomorrow to wrap up for the week. I won’t keep your dad long, though. I’m sure y’all have plenty to catch—”

“Hold on one second, Duke.” Vaughan cut over him. He heard the smooth man talking to someone who he presumed was their server. “Thank you, honey. You were great.” Then that deep sexy chuckle. “Naw. I’m good. Just the check, love. Thank you… Okay. I’m back. You still there, Duke?”

Damn. Was he. Yep. Just like he thought. Thirty-year-olds loved to flirt and see if they could get a rise from you. “Yeah, I’m here.” Duke was ready to end this conversation; he was feeling some type of way for having wood while talking to Quick’s son. “I’m gonna hit the hay. I’m exhausted.”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance