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He then turned his attention to her. She could barely stand still as he gently removed her gloves and sucked on each of her fingers, one by one. As he swirled his tongue around her little finger, she felt her legs crumble. He caught her, reached down, and pulled both her legs around his waist.

Dizzy, she was only dimly aware of his movements. She only realized he had sat down when he disengaged her feet from behind his back and moved them so they were on the sides of the armless chair.

A caress of warm air on her thighs made her aware that her dress was around her waist. To her shock, she was sitting astride his lap, his erection—contained by his buckskins—pressing against her.

His eyes met hers. Without saying a word, he was clearly challenging her. Daring her to object. They both knew what was going to happen here today.

This was her last chance.

Without breaking off his gaze, he began to unbutton her bodice, lowering it to expose her breasts. She arched her back as he brushed his fingers over them, each time just missing her nipples.

Frustrated by his teasing, she grabbed his hand and held it over one breast. He smiled at her and moved his fingers deliberately, once again avoiding her nipple. Growling, she leaned forward and nipped at his lower lip.

He chuckled, the sound vibrating in her mouth and through her body. “Anger really does suit you.”

Smiling wickedly, he gave her what she wanted. The fingers of one hand danced over her breast and stroked the nipple. Then he bent his head and licked first one, then the other. Ria sobbed, unable to prevent the slight sound from escaping.

Luc raised his head, “You like that?”

She nodded.

“Would you like me to do it again?”

“Yes please.”

“Always so polite.” He smiled then repeated his actions before turning his attention to her neck.

She was barely aware that he’d undone his trousers, released himself, and slipped on a sheath. He shifted slightly to allow his hand to move between her legs. When he touched her, she cried out and arched her back.

His voice shook as he said, “This time you can lose control. Don’t fight it. Let go, dearling.”

As he lightly stroked her, the increase in tension made Ria arch her back further. She whimpered as he once again licked her nipples, then moaned when he moved his hips and gradually entered her. In this position, it was more intense, more intimate than at the masquerade.

The sparks dancing within her were starting to merge and seemed ready to burst, but then he stopped. Afraid he was about to leave her, she clutched his shoulders.

“Please, don’t…”

“Sssh. It’s all right.” He reached down and lifted her feet up onto the sides of the chair.

For a moment, she felt incredibly vulnerable. In this position, she was completely open to him. Then, rocking her hips slightly, she realized she could control the rhythm of their movements.

Arching her back, she slid down on him, enjoying the feeling of warmth and slickness. At first her movements were shallow; then teasingly she thrust deeply but immediately withdrew to give more shallow thrusts before plunging deeply once more. With this final movement the sparks completed their merger and showered them both.

Panting, completely boneless, Ria rested her head on his chest. Slowly she came back to earth.

A slight pulsing within led to another realization. He was still inside her. What should she do? She was worried about moving in case she did the wrong thing.

Just then his hand began to make lazy circles on her back. Raising her head, she looked into his forest-green eyes. In them was a look she couldn’t quite define. Passion and… possession?

She shivered when his hand began to travel up and down her spine. To her immense surprise, something began to grow within her. Her eyes grew wide as she asked him, “Again?”

His eyes heavy-lidded, he nodded and huskily said, “Again.”

Well then, Ria thought, it’s time to even the field. Reaching up, she unbuttoned his shirt, opened it wide, and pushed it off his shoulders.

This was the first time in her life she had ever been able to study a man’s chest and arms, to touch and feel. At the masquerade she hadn’t paid that much attention. Now she made up for it. She stroked her fingers up the side of his arms, paying particular attention to his muscular biceps.

A thin layer of perspiration glimmered on his bare skin. Unable to resist, she leaned further forward and kissed his shoulder, then moved up and nibbled on his neck. His skin tasted slightly salty. Sitting back up, she met his gaze and slowly licked her lips.

Tags: Peta Lee Rose Historical