Page 94 of Made In America

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“She’s well-guarded but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.” Myran Shaw told Volkov over the phone.

“Don’t worry about it. Now is not the time. More information has come to my attention and I will do what is necessary. You ensure what takes place on Saturday actually happens. It will give the window of opportunity needed for what I have planned.” Volkov said to Myran.

“What about Ched and Aiden?”

“They’ll take the fall for the attempted hit on Marcollies, and ripping off that warehouse of Sokolov’s. It will be a night of chaos for Ivan Sokolov and his crew of shit. All the while he won’t have a clue of what really is going on.” Myran chuckled.

“Good luck my friend. I will do my part here.”


Annabella took a sip from her glass of chardonnay. “That’s a lot of information, Louisa. I’m not sure I can handle this.”

“Sure you can. You naturally have a fight in you, instincts about these things. Just think of it like this, Ivan Sokolov is a very powerful man. He was also a Marine, a soldier, and soldiers know how to take orders, give orders, fight until there’s no fight left in them, and ultimately are resourceful and determined. You’re a soldier in your own way. Look at what you overcame. That loss, that fear could have broken you but it didn’t. You’ve always been a fighter, a survivor, a problem solver. All those skills will come into play as the woman of a made man.” She exhaled and then looked around them, then back at Louisa. “How do I know who to give attitude to and who not to?”

Louisa chuckled. “You’re going to more than likely put your foot in your mouth like we’ve all had experience doing.”

“Maybe being quiet, less talkative around those I don’t know will be a better option.”

“Not really. These people don’t trust anyone. You’re a threat because you’re important to Ivan. That’s not even with enemies, I’m talking about within his own family, and those who have been around him forever.”

“That’s not nice.”

“Think about it like this, why should they trust you, or easily accept you? It’s like anything else and you need to prove your loyalty to not only to Ivan but to his family and what they stand for.”

“This is all so new, and I doubt he’ll be introducing me to family.”

Louisa raised her eyebrows at her. “Are you planning on this not working out?” She shook her head.

“Then it will happen. You’ll meet the family and believe me, you’ll do just fine. Most of them know that you risked your life to save Ivan and his men. With Dante being his cousin and Roman too, it’s extra kudos to you. Now, about the whole moving in thing.”

“No, I don’t want to think about it. It’s too early.”

“We’ve been over this. The relationship is not a traditional one. Sokolov will expect things from you. Like for you to be in his bed every night unless he’s out of town and can’t take you with him.”

She gulped. “It’s too soon.” Louisa pursed her lips in frustration.

Annabella touched her arm and looked around them. No one was in earshot.

“I can’t do something so serious, so intimate and daily like that until I know that he loves me, or at least tells me that.”



“Well, have you told him that you lo

ve him?”

“Not to his face.”

Louisa chuckled. “Under your breath or in your head?”


“You can tell him you love him but it might be too soon for him, and for a man like him to say it back and mean it. But at least he’ll know where you stand and it could be enough to make you feel less awkward about moving in with him.”

“Grrr. I am not going to say it. If I stay over our place here and there during the week, then it won’t feel like I’ve moved in with him too soon.”

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance