Page 8 of Made In America

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Commerce nodded. “Thank you Ivan. I’m humbled by your offer and I think it’s time to sit down and get more details.”

“Very good.” Ivan said and slapped him on the shoulder, then raised his glass to him.

“Tonight is about coming home and celebrating life. Tomorrow, we talk business.”

They clinked glasses and then took sips of vodka. Commerce exhaled in relief. Ivan was more than his best friend, he was family, and without having this safety net, this job opportunity as backup, it would make leaving the service more difficult, and harder to get rid of the feelings of inadequacy he knew he would have transitioning back into civilian life. He was a soldier. He wasn’t good at much else, so hopefully this job meant a new beginning.


The music was blasting, the place jammed packed and it took some serious elbow pushing and dozens of ‘excuse me’ to get to the front entrance to the bouncers. As people yelled out nasty things to her accusing Annabella of cutting the line, being a slut, and trying to stop her from getting up front, she pushed on. This was an opportunity and a half and she wasn’t going to be shy or intimidated.

The three large bouncers stopped what they were doing and stared at her. All three looked directly into her eyes and she smiled, knowing that many people were drawn to her eyes because of the color green and the way they almost glowed and shimmered like emeralds. She thanked her grandmother on her Mamma’s side for them.

“Hey gorgeous, what do you need?” One of them asked, eyeing over her body in the slim fitting black dress she wore. It was sexy, yet conservative in a club manager type of style. She was told that Griska Mulcheck liked women who worked for him in the office to dress in the latest fashions and look like models. She was only five foot five, not model height at all, but the high heels helped add height enough to pull off model sexy.

“I’m scheduled to meet Mr. Mulcheck.”

“Your name honey?” the other bouncer asked her squinting at her like he didn’t believe a word she said.

“Annabella Asiago.” She replied. He smiled, and then spoke into the small mic by his mouth as he pressed a button on his hip.

“Lucca, I’ve got Miss. Asiago here to meet the boss. Okay, I’ll walk her in.”

“Follow me this way,” he said to her and she did, taking in the sight of the upscale nightclub. At first when she was trying to decide what to wear for this interview she worried about overdressing. It seemed she might be a bit under dressed for the club scene here. She heard a woman squeal and then laugh, as she caught sight of her being dipped and then kissed by some man in a three-piece suit. His friends laughed and encouraged the display and Annabella hurried up to stay close to the bouncer.

She observed several things. The upscale décor, brass, mirrors, original cherry wood bars, high bar tables and even booth seating. The dance floor was shiny and in the shape of an oval. Above the large bar was a gorgeous chandelier, and then multi-tiers of shelves lined with expensive liquor bottles. There was a slide ladder to reach each spot and at least three bartenders that she could see. It was jammed packed. To the right there was an entrance to another area. Above it a sign in burgundy and black read “Wine Room.”

He paused by the bar as a tall blonde man wearing a black suit eyed her over.

“Miss Asiago this is Lucca, the manager of Gables.”

“I’ll take it from here Hank.” Lucca said and then the bouncer gave winked, looked her over again before he walked away.

She was surprised that the interview would be with the main manager when she was told her interview would be with Mr. Mulcheck.

“Nice meeting you Lucca, you can call me Annabella.” She offered her hand.

He squinted at her and then just seemed to stare at her and size her up. She in return gave him a look and sized him up right back, which may have backfired on her if it pissed him off. Instead he smiled, stuck out his hand and blatantly looked at her breasts in the tapered dress she wore. It showed a bit of cleavage, but considering she was well endowed it was difficult to find dresses that either didn’t show off too much, or suffocated her body.

“You’re stunning, and also very young.”

She worried about this type of response but straightened her shoulders, determined to get this job. She wasn’t going to work at the café in The Point and get stuck in a rut. As much as she loved The Point, she desired more in life. Much more.

“Positives I hope, considering this job entails having a lot of energy and enjoying the nightlife and the long hours, never mind trying to keep the patrons happy and trouble away.”

“Indeed. Can I get you a drink before we meet Mr. Mulcheck upstairs?”

“No thank you.” She said and he nodded and then waved his hand forward having her walk in front of him.

She wondered if it was so he could check out her backside. Typical male, she was used to it and was well trained. She had taken a liking to martial arts and other self-defense techniques over the years, including some boxing. It was a great form of exercise but also a positive ability to have being a single woman, and coming and going from work and activities day and night. She was a planner, and hated the unexpected, but wanted to be prepared just in case.

They made their way through the crowd and around the side hallway to an elevator. The walls were decorated with various framed photographs from around the city from centuries past. Black and white ones blown up showing what the streets looked like right outside the club more than a hundred years ago. Pretty nostalgic stuff that she loved learning about. If she got this job she would take the opportunity to check out all the photos when she had some time.

Lucca motioned with his hand for her to enter the elevator first. His hand on the door, the thick gold watch stuck out from the sleeve of his designer shirt, along with fancy gold cuff links. The man’s attire and attitude spoke volumes. Was he wealthy, or pretending to be? Playing a role, a part that indicated the type of clientele that frequented Gable’s? Maybe.

“You live in the city?” Lucca asked her on the ride up.

“No, I live forty minutes outside of the city.”

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance