Page 41 of Made In America

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“I saw him grab you and Roman stepped in before I could even make it across the room.”

“It doesn’t matter. He pushed for something more and I declined. In fact, my focus is on working. So here is your table, please let me know if there’s anything else you need that Brook can’t get for you. Enjoy, gentleman.” She said to the others and then walked away.

It was stressful trying to avoid talking to anyone who was at the club the other night. She was embarrassed by the way Vincent said he saw her with Ched’s tongue down her throat. The man had been pushy, she was tipsy, and she did stop it from continuing. She was shaking and felt on edge all night, especially as Ivan caught her gaze and she completely turned away from him. She hadn’t expected Roman to approach her on her way to the wine room.

“How is your wrist?” He asked, in his light Russian accent.

“Fine.” She replied a

s she looked at the rack of expensive wines trying to find the one Bordeaux Mr. Yolkov’s friend ordered.

“You’re favoring it, and trying to cover it up with bracelets.” He said to her as he stood by the doorway. She took out the key and unlocked the door to the wrought iron wine rack and grabbed the bottle. As she locked it up she spoke to him.

“Listen Roman, I appreciate you asking me about my wrist, and I truly thank you for your assistance at Carlotto’s. I mean no disrespect when I say please don’t ask me more about it or bring it up to me. I’m embarrassed enough about what happened. So thanks.” She said and then started to head toward him and the doorway.

“You were easy prey.”

“Excuse me?” She cut him off.

“Easy prey with no knowledge of the types of men who were watching you and your friends. Maloney is a callous man, a shrewd businessman who sees everything with having a price tag, or being able to possess. He’s views women no differently.”

“I’ll avoid him the best I can.”

He stared at her. “I’ll be driving you to the train station at the end of the night.”

Her heart began to race. She had to stand her ground. “Not necessary. I’ll wait for the bus to the train station. I won’t need any more rides from anyone. Thank you anyway.” She walked out the door with him following so she could lock it up again.


Ivan felt his blood pressure boiling. Annabella was avoiding him. As she finally approached the table where Yolkov and he were discussing an upcoming security job, she had no choice but to look at him. The waitress, Mica stepped to the side as Annabella brought over the bottle of wine for Yolkov.

“Good evening gentleman. Mr. Yolkov, Mr. Sokolov.” She said, only glancing at Ivan a moment as she said his name. She then proceeded to present the bottle to Yolkov for inspection, however Yolkov was staring at Annabella with interest.

“How are you this evening, Annabella? Looking lovely as usual.” Yolkov said to her and licked his lower lip as he gazed over her breasts.

“Thank you for asking, sir. I’m doing well. May I?” She asked permission to open the bottle of wine. He nodded and watched her uncork the top, set it down a moment before she poured him a taste’s worth. When she passed over the glass he covered her hand with his.

“Join us for a glass.” Yolkov said and held her gaze.

“I appreciate the offer sir. It’s very busy as you can see.” She said and he shook his head.

“Have a seat. One drink, and I’m sure Griska will not be angry.” He said and released her hand as she nodded.

“Who else would like a glass?” She looked at the other men at the table, and they all declined. She then proceeded to pour herself a small glass and Ivan’s eyes landed on her wrist. She quickly pulled it to her side and then took a seat right between Ivan and Yolkov.

“A toast, to us.” Yolkov said and she clinked glasses with Yolkov.

Ivan looked down at her hand she kept on her lap, her legs crossed and he reached over to take her hand. She tightened up and went to look at him, but Yolkov began to ask her questions and engage in conversation about the wine and about Griska’s wine cellar. Ivan stroked her soft skin between the layers of gold bangle bracelets. She was shaking, and he could smell her shampoo, the lovely scent of her perfume, and it only made him desire her more.

“What do you do when you aren’t working here at Gables?” Yolkov asked.

“I help out some friends with promotional work for their businesses.”

“Specifically what kind of promotions?” he asked and she eased her hand from Ivan’s.

“Website development, social media ads, sometimes I change things in their storefronts to give more exposure and get new customers. It depends on the business.”

“College grad?”

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance