Page 31 of Made In America

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Even with the intricate tattoo to cover it up, a lover would feel it as they caressed her skin there. She wondered how Ivan’s hands would feel on her. So big, so capable, and he seemed experienced in all areas of life not just as a lover. Did she want that? Such an experienced man as opposed to one closer to her age with perhaps less experience? Not going to happen either way. Men wanted one thing, to tap a woman, to boast about getting some, and she hadn’t fallen for that the last several years when face to face with sexy cowboys. Very, sexy, cowboys. Surely she could keep her legs closed from one older, sexy Russian with a lethal accent and even more lethal capabilities.

He had guards. That’s who those men were. Someone who did illegal things, who had enemies, traveled with an entourage of guards. He snapped, or pointed, even nodded and these men went into action. He was a boss, but not the kind of boss she knew about. She was in serious trouble here, especially considering that she wasn’t freaking out right now knowing he was a made man, had people watching her, and was completely out of her league. Not with her body still tingling, and with a bit of interest that as she traveled home, he was behind her, and another vehicle behind that. She became part of that entourage because Mr. Sokolov made her part of that, tonight.

She glanced into the rear view mirror, the headlights of the SUV close behind and she swallowed hard. He was experienced, and then some, she was a twenty-four year old virgin with trust issues and a scar on her hip she didn’t want anyone close enough to see. But oh boy, if she wasn’t such a scaredy cat, what kinds of naughty trouble she could get into with a man like Ivan Sokolov.


“So Lanka thinks he can negotiate such a deal without me knowing about it? Doesn’t he realize we already have claims to that territory and are pulling in profit?”

“It’s an area we haven’t touched yet Ivan. The connections there are old Russian families and unfortunately they have connections to relatives of Kolikov.” Another cousin of his, Ferdom told him. His chest tightened and that hatred, that dark, burning sensation hit him at the sound of Kolikov’s name.

“I assume that means there are connections to Volkov?”

“I think Lanka is more than likely organizing something with him. Something to make money. It’s been obvious for years that neither man was happy about your rise to power. Holding onto those locations keep them feeling like they don’t need to show any respect to you, only to the Marcollies, Yolkovs and Kolochecks, and that’s to show face, obviously. ” Ferdom replied.

“Maloney wants more power, and he has defied my position in the family for years now, he is a potential problem. Yet he knows he can’t challenge my power and authority head on, so he’s trying to infiltrate the organization, steal money maybe, or establish more control, that is meant to be shared throughout the families. Perhaps manipulate contacts and get them to side with him. They would have to be small time, but enough small warriors gathered can ultimately form an army.” Ivan said and looked out the window.

“Perhaps that’s what he’s doing, but we need proof of this before exposing them to the other top families.” Ferdom added.

“We could allow them to believe they are getting away with this, and then strike when the time is right. I want more information on the business dealings and what money they are making from this deal. If it’s small then we can allow time and room for them to believe they are successful in hiding this from me. Gather the names of those who are choosing to follow Volkov, and get what you can on their businesses and the locations of those businesses. Be careful and be sure to keep those men who are on the inside and getting the information to us, remain undetected. We’ll handle them all accordingly.”


Ivan ended the call and leaned back, looked directly at Dante who raised one of his eyebrows up at him. “Could be a problem. Ferdom will keep watch. In the interim I would like you to get the right people to investigate the area and those involved to see where their connections lay. If by chance they have any attachment to the other families, then this could be a larger problem and I will need to take action accordingly.” Ivan said to him.

“The other families have been very happy with your decisions. In the past they were forced to get less and give more to Kolikov. He was more like a king, and even the heads were followers.”

“You need to look at the bigger picture here, Dante. You know I do not trust anyone. Things have been quiet, and that is when enemies strike. There is no harm in ensuring that there are no connections to the other families. It’s a precaution.” Ivan said.

“Understood. I hope that is just a bit of paranoia on your part Ivan. You’ve proven your capabilities time after time, and it’s been quiet for the last several years as you say, for good reason. Everyone is happy.”

“Obviously not everyone. Let them think I am comfortable and not on guard.”

“You are always on guard.” He said to him.

He nodded but then looked away. He wasn’t on guard tonight. Not when he stood so close to such a beautiful woman like Annabella. A delicacy a man like him should not taint or come close to believing he had a right to such perfection. He could see the desire in her eyes, could feel her shivering at the power he emitted. She could be in his bed tonight if he chose, yet that thought felt wrong and filled him with guilt. She confused him, and that never happened before. He needed to resist the desire, the interest to taste her, to possess such beauty and sweetness. He had a feeling that once he did taste a sample she would become an obsession. A woman’s loins have destroyed many successful men in power. He would not succumb to such a fate.


“This week. We have to Annabella. I need a night out on the town and you have that hook up you mentioned.” Louisa begged.

Annabella had just gotten back from a run and this time when she passed the sea wall on her way home, she thought about Ivan’s comment. She chuckled to herself. Then of course she kept looking around as if she would see a dark SUV following her. She didn’t see a thing.

“I’m game if we can get a hook up. I’ve been working non-stop and I could use a bit of partying.” Alexa added.

Everyone was up and getting ready for work, Annabella was off until tomorrow night.

“Okay, fine. Who is in? We can make arrangements for driving.”

“We’ll take the suburban, and I’ll drive. You always drive and never drink Annabella. You could use a night out drinking.” Allie said and grabbed the banana off the counter, placed it into her bag and then started heading towards the door.

“So tonight then? We can leave by 8:00, get there for 9:00? Allie asked.

“It’s a plan I guess.” Annabella said and they cheered.

“What’s all the yelling about?” Salena asked, as her, Eve and Maggie entered the kitchen.

“Party time tonight. Annabella met some hot guy whose family owns Carlotto’s nightclub and bar. I pulled it up. Check it out.” Louisa told them and turned her lap top towards them.

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance