Page 29 of Made In America

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She walked along with him and his entourage, feeling a little out of her element for several obvious reasons. This man, these men, had money. A lot of it. They were older, Russian, arrogant in a way which made her feel like a teenager instead of a woman. They knew powerful people, and engaged in things she didn’t want to know about. She could tell he was probably into illegal things, yet it didn’t bother her. Instead she found herself asking more questions, being more curious and then thought about the old saying, what curiosity would ultimately get her.

When they got outside, she noticed a few other men, their eyes looking around the area as if expecting something to happen, or someone to attack. Her guard went up another notch, as she looked around too, but then tightened momentarily as she felt Ivan’s hand on her hip. Was it a move of seduction, a display of protection heeding to his earlier statement of being safe with him? Was it a control thing? The man reeked of power, of control, and bossiness. She didn’t pull away and instead accepted it, and got into the SUV. Her small window of opportunity to decline the rid

e and hit the café for two hours was missed.

She sighed, climbed into the SUV and slid into the seat. It was custom inside, with seats across as well. The windows very darkly tinted, were they even legal? The SUV smelled like Ivan. Like his rich, enticing cologne and that scent on his clothing that drew her in. She inhaled a few times, and then felt his thigh hit her thigh. She gazed up at him, but he looked forward, leaned back slightly and exhaled softly, as if he was very tired as well.

“Long day?” She asked him.


What was it with these Russians and the one-word responses of “da”?

Roman was in the back seat with them and Dante sat in the front seat with a different driver than Mirnon. She figured this was a good opportunity to thank Mr. Sokolov for the rides to the train station.

“I would like to thank you for the rides to the train station, though unnecessary, they are a huge help and I get home a lot earlier.”

“It was a foolish plan on your part to begin with. Dangerous as well.” He said as if reprimanding her. His tone was intimidating too. His voice actually and she hesitated a moment. Then she thought she needed to stand her ground here in case he was after something.

“My only choice.” She said to him.

“Then you didn’t plan the job opportunity with your safety in mind.”

“I planned it out, but was expecting full time. If that happens I have friends in the city where I can stay until other arrangements are made. This has actually worked out better working part time.”

“Better how?” he asked, sounding a bit snappy, but maybe that was just him. He was older, wealthy, and powerful so there was arrogance, and a hardness to him. That tight, muscular jaw, the firm lips, his superior aura, all indicators the man was no nonsense, full throttle. However, she felt the need to defend herself, and also show her backbone.

“The money is great and I hadn’t counted on all the tips too, so it’s working out fine, that’s all I meant.”

“So full time doesn’t interest you?”

“I wouldn’t decline the opportunity if Griska offered it to me, but it would mean changes. I share a house with my friends from college, and finding a place in the city could be costly.”

“You said you had friends you could crash with.”

“Well, two guys I know, but they’re a little wild and flirty. I wouldn’t want to send them the wrong message. It was a last resort plan if I absolutely needed to crash somewhere.”

“Old boyfriends?” he asked, but didn’t look at her.

“No, just friends from college who both got jobs here in Manhattan. Anyway, since I am making more money, I will probably start driving into work instead. Next week actually, so I won’t need any more rides. I heard there’s a decently priced parking garage about six blocks from the club.”

“And walk there at 4:00 a.m. by yourself?” He reprimanded, and Dante stared at her.

“If it comes down to that then yes. I can take care of myself.”

Ivan turned toward her. “Knowing a few self-defense moves doesn’t make you capable of handling the city streets and the animals out there waiting to strike.”

“I’ve taken care of myself for quite some time Mr. Sokolov, and since I’m not in the same financial position as you, these are the things people like me have to do in order to work.” She told him.

He rambled off something in Russian and then Roman said one word and Dante added a “Da.”

She felt her blood pressure rising, and so badly she wanted to demand they speak English and translate what they said in Russian but she had to remind herself about who this man was and the consequences of such actions.

She huffed in annoyance and Roman raised one of his eyebrows up at her and she gave him a dirty look and looked away from him and out the window.

They were silent for the remainder of the ride as Ivan received a phone call and he spoke in Russian the entire time. She actually started to doze off listening to him speaking in the language which she came to realize was quite interesting. It sounded like fighting, or an argument at first by the tone and dialect, but soon she realized that it was just the way Russian people spoke, and that he wasn’t complaining or fighting but discussing.

When they got to the train station in White Plains where her car was parked she got out and thanked him for the ride. He got out too and looked around them. Roman and Dante were out of the SUV and scanning the parking lot. It was pretty well lit, but her car all alone in an empty area.

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance