Page 26 of Made In America

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“Well if they’re anything like you then I’m interested. Maybe go check out that club and then come here afterwards. When I’m working of course.” He said flirting.

“Of course.” She replied and laughed.

“So you never met Carlotto or Maloney before, and you only know them from working here the last few weeks?” He asked her and she squinted at him.

“Um yeah. Hello, I don’t live around here, where else would I know them from?”

“Exactly.” He replied.

Lucca got a message from Murphy, one of the bouncers up front. “They’re at the door? How many? Okay hold them a minute while Annabella and I get a table set up.”

“Got some big wigs coming in. Eight guys from the Yolkov family. A surprise visit.”

“The Yolkov family?”

“Big shots. Men to show complete respect and service to. I’ll handle them, unless Mr. Sokolov and his guests need something in the private room.”

“Okay. Whatever you need.” He gave her a wink and they headed over toward a table with just three people sitting there who apparently Lucca knew.

He said something to them and without question they got up and they walked

away. She helped Lucca arrange the table and pulled over a few more chairs, as he spoke into his mic saying to send them in. Annabella was curious as to who these men were and what they looked like. She was shocked when they approached, the crowd separating, as eight men all in suits looking like a bunch of gangsters, came their way.

“Mr. Yolkov, so nice to see you this evening. I wish I had known you were coming, I would have prepared a better table for you and your guests.” Lucca said to him.

Mr. Yolkov patted Lucca on his shoulder. “Nonsense, no need to fuss. We were in the neighborhood.” He said and he and his men all looked at Annabella. Lucca glanced at her. “Please meet Miss. Asiago, she is a manager here now.”

“Another manager, and one so stunning and young.” He said and reached his hand out for her to shake.

“Hello Mr. Yolkov.” She said, hoping she didn’t butcher the Russian name on him. She really needed to work on pronouncing all these Russian and even the Ukrainian names.

“Will you be taking care of us this evening?” he asked, while his companions took seats around the table.

“I’ll be taking care of you this evening sir as Annabella is needed elsewhere.”

Lucca gave her a look that she learned was the ‘go disappear’ expression and she did just that as she bowed her head and excused herself from the gathering of men. She had a funny feeling in her belly. This place had so many different types of people that frequented it. Big shot Russians, some oil guys who came in from Texas last night, and then of course the bankers, the business men and that rowdy group last week that had Murphy and Zinc losing their minds.

She glanced at her watch, in another hour the guys who showed up every Saturday evening around midnight would come in and start doing shots and ordering thousand dollar bottles of bourbon until it was closing time. She dreaded the walk to the twenty four hour coffee shop, but by then she would need another bite to eat, and would think about the bus ride to the train and then the drive home. Maybe she would be in bed by six thirty a.m.


“What did you find out?” Ivan asked Dante once the meeting was over and they now made their way to the bar.

“She just met Maloney and Carlotto the last few times she’s worked here. Tonight Carlotto gave her his card and invited her to the club with her friends.” Ivan squinted and looked across the room to where Annabella was right now.

Standing there in her sexy black dress that hugged her hips and accentuated her full breasts. She wore strands of gold to try and hide how well-endowed she was, and this evening she wore her hair in a low fancy style above her shoulders. She looked classy and stood out amongst all the other women.

A glance past her and towards the table with Yolkov and his friends, and he could see that they looked at Annabella as well, admiring her beauty, and it annoyed him. Vincent Carlotto he wasn’t too concerned about. His family was old school mafia, and considering they had done business a few times, he considered him an associate. If he told Carlotto to back off he would, but what message would that send? Yolkov on the other hand was a beast with women. As head of one of the four families, he had his reputation when it came to business and when it came to women. As Annabella walked away from the bar with Mica, and toward a table with four men he didn’t recognize, he watched and spoke with Dante.

“Griska feels she isn’t a threat. That she isn’t a set up or anything like that. I also found out that she takes the early train in the morning from here. She sits and eats by herself at the café two blocks away.”

“At 4:00 a.m. in the morning? By herself?” he asked.

“She waits for the bus to get the train so she doesn’t have to commute by car and pay for parking.”

“Anything could happen to her. That’s not smart at all.”

“Ivan, what are you not saying?” Ivan looked at him and then took another sip of vodka.

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance