Page 21 of Made In America

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“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Lucca asked her.

“Yes, just hadn’t expected to walk several blocks here in heels. I didn’t want to miss the bus that was running late.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll plan accordingly. Let’s start with some of the basic responsibilities we will share and what I will need assistance with. I’m hoping that you can take some of these responsibilities over in order to lighten my load. Griska has me working on some new ideas for the club. There’s also a special private back room for parties, small gatherings of important people who frequent Gables. Confidentiality is important Annabella. It means you might see or hear things that cannot be repeated.”

“What kind of important people are we talking about?” She asked with concern.

“Just important businessmen with power, and prestige for the most part. Don’t worry, I’ll give you the heads up, so you’ll be warned. There are several people who come here and spend a lot of money. I mean thousands of dollars a night on expensive liquor, or back room gatherings, so they need the royal treatment.”

“Okay, and is there a list or is it basically learn as I go? Like are there certain things certain big shots expect? In the last place I worked there were several similar types like what you’re describing. They were oil men, cattle ranchers with deep pockets and like this one guy, Earl, expected the most expensive cognac at his private table set up with glasses for whatever number of guests he would have. He also paid extra to have a waitress on hand for any orders or whatever.” She told him. He gave a soft grin.

“Well, it’s sort of like that. You’ll pick up quickly I’m sure. Just remember there’s an order of respect, and some of these individuals don’t expect lip back. Like if they want something, they expect to get it. You’ll figure it out, and I won’t be far. Which brings me to security, and communications. This, is your partner and best friend. I’m line one. Security is line two. You’ll be line three.” He told her and then showed her the communications system where she wore an ear piece and had a gadget on her hip. It was pretty small.

“This is different. High tech. Not really t

raditional for a bar to have.”

“Well Griska knows a lot of people. Military and stuff like that, so he can get his hands on the best systems. Plus he and his partner are into security and safety. That incident the other night shouldn’t have happened. In fact Murphy and Zinc got ripped new ones.” She felt badly. “Those things happen.” She said to him.

“Not around here they don’t. Someone wasn’t doing their job and they were dealt with accordingly. As I mentioned, don’t give it a second thought. Besides, I’ll be close by and have your back.” He held her gaze.

“Well, I’ll have yours so we should make a good team.”

“I’m hoping for that.” He said and winked, he was flirting with her again. She gave him a sideways look.

“Okay, sorry, but you are the best looking woman I have ever worked with never mind laid eyes on and your eyes, Jesus, I get the feeling that we’ll be having to protect you from getting hit on by all the men.”

“I highly doubt that, plus I can take care of myself, remember.”

“Hmm, a beautiful woman shouldn’t have to handle things herself. So tonight is a special evening. We have a few of Griska’s friends coming to a private party in the back room. As soon as it seems like you’re comfortable with the set up and your job, I’ll be back there for longer periods of time.” He tapped the earpiece in her hand.

“Remember, I’m one click away, and Murphy and Zinc and the other security are as well.”

“Got it. So how are the bartenders? Do they admit when they’re in need of help or as managers do we make the decision to get back there and assist? I know sometimes they can get annoyed at that.”

“They can handle things pretty well, but they know not to make the place look bad, so they usually let you know. Plus you can tell they’ll need it when a surprise group of people come in and it’s already busy and people are getting antsy for their drinks. As I mentioned, we get some big shots so they should be handled first. How about we go downstairs and I make introductions?”

“Sounds great.” She said and then put her things under the desk. She fixed her lip gloss as Quarters was talking to him about some sort of sporting event coming up. She took a deep breath and then headed downstairs with Lucca.


“What is it he wants to know exactly?” Griska asked Dante.

“Whatever you can tell me so I can assure Ivan that the woman is not a threat.”

“A threat? No, definitely not. Her professor from college was good friends with Annabella’s aunt Grace. She died two years ago. She was an excellent, student, top ten in her graduating class, and very professional. She could have gotten an exceptional job in Texas but she declined it to come back to New York. He vouched for her and I’ve known Von Wind for over twenty years. I know his family and your father, Clive should know him as well.”

“Hmm, coincidence?”

“I’m thinking more like it’s a small world. If I had to guess, Von took her under his wing in Texas. Him and her aunt Grace were close and I believe he mentioned that aunt Grace was Annabella’s only family. If there’s more he would like to know I can look deeper. Call Vin and ask him. I know she lives in Rockland, has a house near the river with her friends. She grew up there and went to high school there.”

“Hold off on that for now. I’ll take care of this, but what about the café she was working in? Seems strange that she would be doing that and then coming here to interview for a management position.”

“Not at all Dante, from my understanding Annabella grew up in that town, so it’s familiar to her. She worked at the café throughout high school. She told me that in conversation, and also that she wasn’t thrilled about having to go back to work there.”

“Why not?” he asked with concern.

“Not sure. I get the feeling she felt like she was not working up to her potential. That she went to college, got great grades and really wanted things to work out in New York for a job. I can tell she’s a hard worker and tough too. I’m looking forward to her working here and hoping she can eventually work full time.”

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance