Page 14 of Made In America

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“Working at The Blue Barn in Texas paid off. Brady taught you a lot of things. It was crazy you never slept with him. He was a soldier too, and so cute.” Eve said and raised her eyebrows up and down making Annabella chuckle.

“Very funny. Anyway, it was intense and there were these men there, one in particular who I couldn’t take my eyes off of.”

“You? Seriously? Miss twenty four year old virgin.” She said and Annabella slapped her arm. Then she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“It was crazy Eve. He was gorgeous, lethal looking and had these killer eyes. He had men with him like body guards or something.”

“Oh no, you don’t need to get involved with some drug dealer from the city.”

Annabella laughed. “He wasn’t a drug dealer. I don’t know who he was, but he has to be wealthy. He had gold cuff links on his shirt cuffs and his suit was custom made. He also had this sexy, thick Russian accent.”

“Seriously? Jesus, you lucky woman. So are you taking the job?”

“It’s only part time.” She said and then exhaled and looked around the place.

“It’s a start though? Like it could become full time?”

“That’s what they told me. I don’t know if it’s bologna of not, but the money is exceptional. I’m just not looking forward to the commute home at like three or four o’clock in the morning.”

“That could be kind of dangerous at that time of night. Are you considering driving yourself instead of mass transit, or staying with friends in the city?”

“I might look this week to see what the best option is. I know a few people with apartments and I could crash there on the couch. The closest place that has an additional bedroom belongs to Cody and Brandon.”

“Shoot that might not be too wise. They’re players.”

“I’ve been friends with them for years.”

“Not while you were away. People change and they are total bachelors.”

“I’ll see, it’s just an idea, and I can’t exactly afford to go rent another place on my own. Besides, we have this house here now we’re all renting.”

“Then you’ll be paying double.” Eve said.

“It would be worth it for a while and I can afford it. The pay is great part time, and will be awesome full time.”

“A lot to think about.” Eve said.

“I’d better get moving on the tables. We’ll talk in between.”

Annabella walked away and started to clean up some of the tables and then deliver more food and take some orders. Another set of customers walked in and there were only two empty tables left when some guy walked into the place.

Sam gave a wave. “Hey Sanford.”

“Morning Sam.” He called back and then looked around the place and took the table near the front door by the window. He placed his things down and looked nervous.

“Good morning. Can I get you some coffee to start?”

“Not just yet. I’m expecting a client and will wait to see what he wants first.”

“No problem.” She said and smiled then walked away.

Obviously the guy was nervous about his meeting a client. His face was flushed, he kept pulling on his collar. She went to the kitchen and continued to deliver food. She heard the bell chime again and couldn’t look to see if it were the man’s client that made him nervous. She was curious as she went about delivering another set of coffee crumb cake home made by Bernice that everyone carried on about.

Annabella felt this odd sensation in her belly and then a tingling filter through her spine. The sensations had her turning around and noticing the back of a very tall man standing by the chair across from the guy Sam called Sanford.

Sanford was smiling up but still looking rattled. Then the man pulled the chair around to the side, as if not wanting his back to face the rest of the restaurant and instead put his back to the wall as if he could keep eyes on things. Her eyes widened, her mouth gaped open and she went completely dry. As the guy looked toward the restaurant he squinted and she turned away, ran her hands over the apron and cursed to herself.

Ivan Sokolov? What the hell was he doing here? Oh God I look stupid in this uniform. He’s going to wonder what the hell I’m doing working at the café. He’ll think I’m some country girl instead of a professional woman able to manage a nightclub in New York. Oh God.

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance