Page 10 of Made In America

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“The club can get crazy at times. We get our fair share of drunks, rarely any bar fights, because of the upscale patrons that frequent the place more often than not. However, certain evenings bring in younger crowds who can’t seem to handle their alcohol consumption. We have bouncers to handle the heavy work when needed. Mostly we get professional business types but on Friday and Saturday night’s after ten we get the rowdy crowds of those in their twenties. Some attend a few of the local colleges in the city and they go bar to bar and wind up here. Lucca needs assistance maintaining the bar, handling the overflow as well as keeping eyes on the staff. In your resume you indicate that you can bartend, and ran the books for the place as well. Why was that?” Griska asked her.

She felt a little uneasy about the situation back then, and she wasn’t sure how legit of a place Gables was but her professor said that she would get paid well and that she was over qualified for the position.

“Well, to be honest, the owner was getting screwed over by someone messing with the books and skimming off the top. After I took over the accounts when the boss could barely make ends meet. Meanwhile the place was packing them in. I did my own re-evaluation of the books and then took them over entirely, taking the accounts from his wife. Turned out she was having an affair and skimming the money off the books and making it look like he was losing money when he was making more money. It was his fault for trusting her, and not staying on top of it all. Anyway, I continued to do that until he was able to hire on another woman, unfortunately a girlfriend of his, but it was no longer my concern as I graduated and took on a new position for two years before moving back home.”

“What about you? You got a boyfriend?” Lucca asked and Griska smirked.

“What does that have to do with anything?” She asked him.

“A lot actually. For one, we don’t allow any girlfriends or boyfriends into the club while we’re working. It can be a distraction. Number two, I want to know if there’s any competition.” He said and winked.

She shook her head and smirked.

Griska chuckled. “I think you’re going to get along great. Lucca doesn’t ever tease just anyone. Let’s head downstairs to take in more of the feeling of the place and you can make a decision on whether you want the job or not.”

They all stood up and she felt excited as well as a bit leery. It would be a cool place to work at. Part time might not be so great considering the cost to commute and all. “Mr. Mulcheck?”

“Griska.” He replied as they got into the elevator.

“Does this job really have the potential to be full time?”

“Definitely. As I mentioned a trial run is necessary to feel you out and see your capabilities. Is there a problem with it being part time for now?”

“No. I just need to figure a few things out with the commute and what it will cost me coming from Rockland.”

“I’ll consider that in the salary we come up with okay.” He said and she nodded and they headed towards the bar.

On their way some guys were getting a little wild and started yelling at each other. She turned to look ahead to where Griska waved her on and ignored them as if someone was going to handle it when her eyes locked onto a very tall man, dark hair, dark eyes who stood over six feet. It was the oddest thing. The place was super crowded, loud, laughter erupting in several locations, a really fun time, and yet her eyes went right to him.

There was another tall man next to the mysterious looking man, who appeared to be surrounded by a few others. Their stances indicated they weren’t just hanging out, but appeared on guard. He was gorgeous, and as his eyes danced over her body she felt it. Actually felt it. Her breasts swelled, her core tightened. Holy God he was gorgeous, but older. Much older than her, and her gut clenched.

That right there is trouble.

She had to turn away, the man seemed dark, mysterious and very important, plus she wasn’t the kind of woman to be caught drooling over a man, but he definitely was on her radar. She focused back on Lucca and Griska as they talked to her about the bar on this floor, and about the set up. She forced herself to not look back at the mysterious man when some sort of activity erupted behind her.


Ivan caught sight of the gorgeous, classy brunette and stopped talking to Commerce. He heard the whistle and then Dante say something under his breath. A quick glance at the men and they were all staring at the brunette walking with Griska and Lucca. She had one hell of a figure on her, hips, ass, full breasts that pushed against the slim fitting black dress she wore. She appeared professional and classy, unlike the other women crowding the place.

The bimbos in short revealing dresses, skirts, and lots of bling, were flashy, over aggressive, and looking to land a man and maybe a steady wealthy one at that. He ignored them, but this one, wow, this one had his full attention, and his radar went up. He didn’t have to glance at his guards, his cousin Dante, to tell they caught sight of her too. They were all staring at her and something inside of him clicked. A tight, little jealous feeling. I saw her first. Where the hell did that come from?

She was with Griska and Lucca. Griska was talking to her, appearing as if he were giving her a tour of the bar. As she got closer, he swept his gaze over her body, and then to her face. His chest tightened, his instincts on alert like never before. Who the hell was she and what were these sensations he had?

As their gazes locked she looked as shocked as he felt, perhaps mesmerized by him as he was by her.

“God, she is gorgeous. Not typical of this place.” Commerce said and then saw what Ivan saw.

Two men having an argument, and suddenly one pulled out a knife. They all reacted, him, Commerce, Dante, even Lucca and Griska but in a flash one man lay on the floor and then the other was restraine

d. Who is this woman? My God, those eyes are incredible.


Stunned by her reaction to the gorgeous man a few feet behind Griska, Annabella hadn’t heard the commotion next to her when someone bumped into her hard.

She turned toward him. He gripped her shoulders, looked drunk and then grabbed her around the waist as another man stepped toward them with a knife.

Her eyes widened as the men exchanged fierce curse words.

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance