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“I am fine, Deputy Smith. Pete is in jail where he belongs,” she told him, and started walking toward her porch. She ran up the stairs and to her front door. She turned her head to look back. He was still standing on her sidewalk, looking at her. He looked like he wanted to say more, but she didn’t want to hear it.

“Good-bye, Matt,” she whispered. She went in and shut the door, locking it. She didn’t have the guts to peek out and see if he was still outside. She needed to forget Matthew Smith. She had allowed him to hurt her for far too long. It was time to move on.

Chapter 4

Holly and Jasmine had just finished jogging. They met at the park three days a week to jog down the trails of the park. Holly loved the early morning hour before it got to hot. Not too many people came out this early. Since she had stopped going to Helena’s, this was her new morning routine. Jasmine loved to run as much as she did, saying it made her feel energetic.

She ran an antique store and decorating business with her aunt. Jasmine had moved here last spring after a disastrous relationship ended. She had fallen in love with Drake Lopez, a Red Hook deputy, and made a success of her aunt’s failing business. Holly counted her as one of her best friends. They had asked Alicia Garcia, the third to their group, to join them, but she had laughed and said she would only run when someone was chasing her.

They slowed to a walk after two miles. It was going to be a hot day, but at least there was some coolness to the air right now.

“Drake asked me to move in with him,” Jasmine stated calmly. Holly could hear the confusion in her friend’s voice. The couple had been together almost a year now and seemed to have a solid relationship. The love between the two was obvious.

“That sounds like progress, but I hear confusion.”

Jasmine nodded. Her long, black hair was pulled up into a ponytail. “You know how traditional his family is. Eva told me they were expecting us to marry, not move in together. We have only been together for a year. Isn’t that too soon for any of this?”

Eva was Drake’s older sister, and Jasmine always went to her for advice.

“What are you really afraid of, Jazz?” Holly asked her friend. She knew the love between the two was genuine.

“We get along great right now, but we don’t live in the same space. What if it changes things?”

“You love each other, Jazz. Anyone can see that. Drake is a good man. Even if you had arguments, he would never cheat on you like Grant did. He is solid as a rock. Do you know how lucky you are?”

Holly tried to keep the sadness out of her voice. Ever since her confrontation with Matt last week, he had been embedded in her mind. It felt like they’d just broken up, which was why she had done her best to avoid him at all costs.

“I am lucky. I know that. Drake wants marriage. It is me that holds back,” Jasmine admitted as they turned the corner of the trail. “It isn’t fair, but I can’t help it.”

“I’m sure Drake understands all of this. Maybe it’s better to wait until you feel comfortable with the idea,” Holly told her, and Jasmine agreed.

“So, I hear Matt was the one who saved you.” Holly heard the curiosity in her friend’s voice. Jasmine and Alicia were the only ones who knew how deep her pain went. She hadn’t wanted her sister fretting over her, or worse, going to the station to tell Matt off. Faith would do it. Adam often teased her and called her a mama bear when it came to Holly.

“He was just doing his job, Jazz.” She did not want her friend trying to be a matchmaker. Being with Matt was a hopeless dream.

Jasmine sighed. “I don’t think so, Holly. I think he regrets calling things off. I think his feelings for you scared him. Last month, when we had poker night at Drake’s, he asked why you didn’t come. He seemed disappointed when I told him you were babysitting Hope.”

“I was babysitting,” Holly insisted. She didn’t mention she was the one who called Faith and suggested she go out with her husband. She didn’t want Jasmine angry with her, but she also did not want to see Matt.

“Mmm.” Jasmine smirked as if she knew the truth. They were heading out to the open area with the pond. Some people were just arriving to begin their activities.

They sat at a bench under a shady tree. “You know, my first date with Drake was here. We rented bikes. I should get him to bring me again.”

“Are you Holly Davis?” A male voice interrupted Jasmine’s memory.

Holly looked up and had to squint her eyes against the bright sun. A tall, slim man stood in front of her. He had short, blond hair and was dressed casually in jeans and a T-shirt. She didn’t recognize him. “Yes.”

“I’m Gerald Ferguson, Pete’s older brother,” he announced with a serious look.

Holly heard Jasmine gasp. “What can I do for you?” Holly asked calmly.

“Pete is my youngest brother. He has never committed a crime like this before. He needs to be in rehab and not jail,” the man stated. He looked to be in his mid-twenties.

Holly wanted to ask him why they didn’t put him in rehab a long time ago before it got to this point.

“I am here on the behalf of my momma. She wants you to drop the charges so we can get him the help he needs. After all, you didn’t get hurt,” he said, as if he didn’t care that his brother had a knife to her throat.

Holly’s hand went to her neck where she still had a scar. “I beg to differ. He scared me, threatened me and cut me with a knife. He stole drugs at knifepoint. If not for the sheriff’s department, he planned on kidnapping me, too.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic