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‘I-it looked like you had.’

‘Not a chance. Two of the hottest encounters I’ve ever had have included you, Raphaela. I was making a point, sweet girl. It’s not very nice being ignored.’ He pulls back, his eyes roaming over my face as though he could convey his thoughts and intentions this way.

‘Agreed.’ I swallow my anger. ‘It isn’t.’ It’s not very nice being ignored. Conversely, it’s bloody fantastic being in his thrall.

His mouth finds my neck again, and he whispers against it. ‘I seem to recall you’re still holding out on one point.’ My heart halts. Are we thinking about the same thing? Because if we are, right now I’d be inclined to wrap a bow around myself and gift him my virginity. ‘I feel very ignored because you haven’t yet promised me you won’t see Will.’

Laughter gurgles up from my chest, laughter mixed with relief. ‘That’s a sore point for you?’

Suddenly, he kicks my feet farther apart, sliding his thigh between mine. This whole commanding man thing? Hot as fuck. ‘Hmm, so not a skirt.’

‘Culottes,’ I qualify.

‘And I imagine I’m not the only one sore this morning.’ His voice is sandpaper rough, making me long for the drag of his stubble across my skin.

‘Imagination is a dangerous thing.’ My words are harsh as I suck in a deep breath. Probably something to do with the way his fingers graze my nipple in the barest of caress.

‘I dunno about imagination.’ He chuckles darkly. ‘But the thoughts of your red arse this morning had me so hard.’

‘Is that what that is digging into my hip?’ I lick my lips, knowing exactly what that looks like, imagination unnecessary.

‘No, that I fixed in the shower while thinkin’ of you on your knees. This,’ he says, flexing into me, ‘is seeing you in the flesh. Smelling your perfume. Tasting your skin.’ I whimper as he bends his head again. ‘Now, little girl, I want you to concentrate on a few things for me today. Do you think you could do that?’ His words are hot in my ear, his mouth spreading its truth serum magic over my skin.

‘I-I can try.’

‘Good girl.’ I don’t bristle at the label. In fact, I do a little of the opposite. I physically melt. ‘I want you to imagine what it’ll be like when I eventually slide my cock into you. It’s inevitable; you know that, right?’ In the absence of words, I nod. In the absence of rationality, I reach for said cock. ‘Ah-ah,’ he says, changing the angle of his body against me. ‘First things first. You’re going to think on what I said and promise me you won’t see Will. I’ll give you the day to think about it, and you will. Me versus him, Ella. And you know he won’t ever give you what I can. None of it.’ His lips find my forehead, his hand ghosting my waist.

‘I want you to spend the day reflecting on how this will play out between you and me. Think of all the ways I’m going to fuck you. While the sofa and the wall are just fine, I will have you in my bed. And you know it. You can think about it today. How it’ll happen. For me.’

‘Yes,’ I whisper. Right about now, I think I’d promise him anything.

‘Good girl. And when I come home, when Louis is sleeping, you’re going to sit on my knee, and we’ll talk terms. And then you’re going to tell me what’s tying you in knots.’

‘What?’ I try to move my head to look at him—to discern what he means.

‘You’re going to tell me what’s keeping you from me. In here.’ And with his final words, he kisses my head.



I wasn’t lying. I did wake up with a raging boner, one I took care of in the shower as the events of the previous evening played out in my head, frame by fucking frame. I can’t believe I haven’t gotten into Ella’s knickers yet. At least, not properly. But with the chemistry we have? Well, it won’t be long. The longer it takes, the more likely it’ll be that it’ll happen during one of our frantic fumbles. Not that last night can be categorized as only fumbling. It was erotic and exciting and fuck hot. Even if I was half pissed. And while accidentally slipping in never seems like a terrible idea at the time, it’s not ideal. The first time I have her properly, I definitely want to take my time.

Joking aside, something is holding her back, but I guess after tonight, I’ll know what that is. But facts are facts: she wants this and I’m gagging for it. We just have to iron out the bits in between. For me, that means protecting Louis and making sure Ella has no illusions that this will develop into a long term or more permanent thing. I have my business to concentrate on. A son to raise.

Tags: Donna Alam Romance