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Sean pulled my ass into him and his cock filled me with streams of hot milky cum. My pussy responded by sending a flood of juice over him. He put his arms around me and pulled me close as a last shudder swept through our bodies.

When it was over I leaned my head back on this shoulder and sighed.

“It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Donovan,” I said with a smile.

He sank his teeth into my shoulder and said, “The pleasure was all mine, Miss Asher.”

“Not entirely.” I wiggled my ass against him. “Please come again soon.”

“You know I will.”


“Are you nervous?” I glanced over at Monique, who was bouncing Leon Junior on her shoulder. I tried to put on a brave face.

We were in the VIP box at Kings Stadium waiting for the first play of the last game of the regular season. The Kings had received the kickoff and had the ball on the Panther’s thirty-five-yard line. If the Kings won this game, they would be a wildcard in the playoffs.

Leon and Sean were down on the field with the rest of the starters, huddled around Matt Murphy who was calling the plays. This would be the first game Sean had played in since being injured three months before. And yes, I was a nervous wreck.

“He said he was ready and the doctors cleared him,” I said. I laced my hands together and held them between my breasts. It looked like I was praying. Maybe I was.

“That’s not what I asked,” Monique said, bouncing. “Are you nervous?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it,” she said. She nodded at the field. “Here we go.”

Sean lined up wide-right. The second the ball was hiked to Murphy, Sean shot off the line and ran the same route that had gotten him injured before. I held my breath as I imagined it happening again.

Murphy scrambled back and Leon and the other linemen did their best to protect him, giving Sean time to make it down the field.

Murphy launched the ball like a cannon ball. I watched the ball spiral through the air. It arced high above the field before making its descent and dropping perfectly into Sean’s hands.

This time there was no freight train waiting to run over him.

Sean tucked the ball under his arm and sprinted the remaining twenty yards down the field and across the goal line.


No one even came close to stopping him.

The stadium erupted as fans jumped to their feet to herald the return of their beloved gladiator. The stadium announcer led the chant, “Sean! Sean! Sean!”

I released the breath that I’d been holding and put my hands on my cheeks. He’d done it. He’d really come back stronger than before. I couldn’t have been happier for him.

The entire team mobbed the field to congratulate Sean. The refs, who normally wouldn’t allow such a celebration, just backed away and let it happen.

Leon and another lineman lifted Sean onto their shoulders like he was a rag doll. He held the football in his right hand and lifted it high above his head.

As they carried him toward the sidelines, Sean took off his helmet with his free hand and looked my way.

Even though we were far apart, I could tell that he was looking into my eyes. He tossed the helmet down to a teammate, then smacked his hand to his lips and blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and brought my hand to my lips.

“You gonna make an honest man out of him?” Monique asked with a smile.

I wiped away the tears of joy in my eyes and smiled. “I’m certainly going to try.”


Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance