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Julia wanted to be the one to break the news. “I said that I wouldn’t press charges, but I said nothing about the doctors that you bribed. They weren’t exactly happy with the way that you used your influence. They decided that you had to be called in for your actions. I’m not going to testify, but I don’t have to. They already have my affidavit and that is a matter of public record.” I thought for sure that she was going to scream bloody murder, but she stayed perfectly calm and let them lead her away in shackles. It didn’t take much to learn that Susan was responsible for having Julia drugged. We just had to wait until the police could arrive with a warrant for her arrest.

Everybody filed out and business was closed for the day. It left me and Marshall in the conference room looking at each other and then at the table. “I’m sure that she will get off on some kind of technicality or maybe pay for Susan to take the rap for the both of them. In the meantime, I think that we should leave a lasting impression on the very table that she conducts business.” I jumped up and grabbed him by his tie, pulling at his belt and then dragging his zipper down until I was able to reach into those black silk shorts for what I was after.

“I like the way that you…THINK.” His voice raised an octave as I wrapped my hand around his length. “I think that can be arranged. I don’t think that I have ever been as excited about defiling a piece of office furniture.” I lifted my skirt slowly letting him see a hint of thigh until he was witnessing the fact that I wasn’t wearing panties. I had shaved with the lips looking puffy and quite inviting.

“I would say that we have to make this quick, but I’m not sure that we know the meaning of that word.” I squeezed the head, pulling him into position and letting him feel his sausage being ground into a hole that seemed too small for something of his unique size. I stretched open with my body responding in kind to that invading force between my legs.

He pulled me toward him abruptly and began to make sharp thrusts that had that table groaning in response to my ass polishing the top of that table.

“I know who you are… Shelly or should I say… Oh, my god…. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to…I don’t know what I…excuse me” Tina had figured it out, but now seeing us going after each other in the boardroom had made her back away from the door and run like her skirt was on fire.

“I can always count on you to do something that’s going to shock others. I would never ask for you to quit your job.” He didn’t have to ask me and I was already unemployed. I had given my resignation. I told my boss that if he had a problem with that that he should talk to Marshall.

We crawled over the table. We were in the middle of it with both of our bodies slamming repeatedly against each other in a cacophony of sexual sounds that was not exactly the kind of sound that you would hear from a boardroom.

We were sprawled on top of it. He lifted himself one last time and buried it. “Marry me…Oh, god… MARRY ME.” I thought that he had just gotten a little carried away, but then the feeling that he was stirring in me was going to give the very answer that he wanted to hear.

“Yes… Yes… Yes… Yes…YESSSSSSSS.” I wasn’t sure if I was responding to his marriage proposal or if I was just going along for the ride with an orgasm of my own. It was a little from column A and a little from column B. He was so happy that he gave me an early wedding gift.

He kept up with the demand and he stayed the course for almost a full hour before he finally gave me my just desserts. I only had to pull down my skirt and he had to pull up his pants. He reached into a pocket and presented me with a gorgeous diamond ring. I leaped into his arms, kissing him passionately and I think that he took my orgasmic cry as confirmation.

“With you by my side, Gillian, there is nobody including Lillian that is going to stop us.” I liked that we were united and that we were a force to be reckoned with. He was my centerpiece and I had the perfect place to put him…right in my bed in my embrace. I was looking forward to spending my life with him. I had this feeling that it wasn’t going to be boring. I was still going to work with those that wanted to know the truth. That was how I met Marshall.

The marriage was scheduled for a year from that date. With Lillian taking a plea deal of six months, it gave Marshall the opening that he needed to swoop in and buy her building out from underneath her with the board’s approval. We had even sent an invitation to her in jail.

It stated that her presence was requested for our nuptials that were going to take place right in that very same boardroom.” I could almost hear her screaming from her cell and it gave me a sense of satisfaction. I wanted to be there to present it to her myself, but I thought that might have been a little below the belt.

I thought that my heart was frozen, but Marshall had somehow thawed the ice surrounding my heart. I was ready to love again and I could say the same thing for him. He was no longer caught in a never-ending line of sex partners. I’m sure that he was going to mention spicing things up, but I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

Office Romance Collection



Belle Freedman is a wide-eyed enthusiastic small-town girl, who has just landed an internship at the biggest ad agency on the East Coast. Her new boyfriend, Jesse, has followed her to New York so that they can chase their dreams together…to make it big in the Big Apple. Belle believes she has it all, a kind boyfriend and a brand new job.

When she has a chance encounter with a stranger on the elevator, things begin to start changing in her world. Devon Rymer is not only one of the partners at the ad agency, but he is also well into his forties, single and the hottest man Belle has ever laid eyes on. Suddenly, the world she thought was perfect, doesn’t seem so perfect any more.

Belle wants Devon. He is irresistibly handsome and strong, but she has a boyfriend, and a job to keep.


Belle stood staring at herself in the full length mirror at the corner of their studio apartment. She had spent hours laboring over the right look. First day at the new job. She had butterflies in her st

omach and she drew in a deep breath to steady herself. Behind her, Jesse, her boyfriend, was flipping pancakes in the section of the apartment that they called the “kitchen”.

Through the reflection in the mirror, Belle could see Jesse at the stove. His longish blond hair was ruffled and he was still in his boxer shorts with no shirt on. Belle watched him in silence for a few moments. His slender pale frame, the concave shape of his stomach…she had always thought he was the “cutest” boy ever since she’d known him. And now he was her boyfriend!

“How do I look?” Bell asked, flipping around to face him. Jesse looked up and fixed his eyes on her with a bored expression. He was always grumpy in the mornings, that was something that Belle recently discovered about him, ever since they started living together.

“You look great. Stop fretting,” he said and started stacking the pancakes on two plates. Belle tried to be in a cheerful mood, even though the nervousness was wrecking her on the inside. She didn’t want Jesse to feel worse than he already did about his own situation.

She had been offered a position, even if that was as an intern, but it was a job nonetheless. Jesse was yet to find a job or internship of any kind. They had already been in New York for over three months and it was going to get harder and harder to pay the bills if he didn’t find some kind of employment soon. Belle’s meager internship stipend wouldn’t even cover the rent they were paying.

She walked over to the small table beside the stove where Jesse had started setting their breakfast. Belle took a chair and he took the one across from her. She could see that he hadn’t shaved in days, and she had lost track of how many times she had tried to politely suggest that he take a shower.

“What are you going to do with your day?” she asked, digging a fork into the pancakes. She heard Jesse take in a deep breath and looked up at him. He looked offended that she had asked him that.

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance