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"Hey," I greeted her as I sat down beside her, letting my stuff drop on the floor by my feet.

"Hey," she said looking at me and then back at the TV.

"So, I have a favor to ask," I began. Gemma looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I found this phone and wanted to know if you would return it for me. I would do it but I have to go to class." I watched as Gemma thought it over.

"Who's phone, is it?" She asked me.

"An older model from my Figure Drawing class," I answered.

"A woman?" Gemma asked.

"Yea, here's what she looks like," I said and then opened Sharon's Facebook page pictures and handing Gemma my phone so she could look through them.

"Wow, she's hot," Gemma said sounding impressed. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, so will you do it for me?" I asked her.

"Sure. Where am I meeting her?" She asked, still looking at Sharon's pictures. Just then, as though on cue, Sharon's phone rang from a private number.

I answered sweetly, "hello?"

"Hi, I lost my phone," Sharon said. I smiled, this was working out almost too perfectly.

"Yea, I found it. Are you on campus?" I asked her.

"Yes! Where can I meet you to get it?" She asked.

"You can come to my apartment." I told her our address and she said that she was on her way. I turned to Gemma and handed her Sharon's phone. She handed me my phone back.

"She's on her way here now. Maybe you can invite her inside and get better acquainted," I said with a wink. Gemma rolled her eyes at me but smiled. I knew that Gemma liked older women and it was hard for even straight women to resist Gemma. Even I had considered hooking up with Gemma before, although I never acted on it. I just hoped that my plan worked. I stood up and gathered my things. "Well, I'm off to class! Don't do anything that I wouldn’t do," I said with a smile. Gemma smirked at me.

"Bye," she said, returning her attention to the TV. I left the apartment but I didn't leave the building. I wasn't going to class, I had something more important to handle. I hid in our hallway and waited for Sharon to get here. When I heard, heels coming up the stairs, I crouched down in the shadows so that she couldn't see me. Unfortunately, I couldn't see her either, but I could hear. Someone must have let her in the building on their way out. Sharon knocked on the door and I heard it open.

"Hey!" Gemma greeted her.

"Hello!" Said Sharon.

"Here's your phone," Gemma said.

"Thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you," Sharon said. I crossed my fingers.

"Come in for a cup of tea. I won't take no for an answer," Gemma said laying on her charm extra thick. Sharon hesitated but said, "Oh, ok. Yea, I'd love some tea."

I grinned like the Cheshire Cat as I heard Sharon go into the apartment and Gemma close the door behind her.

Now for the tricky part.

I stood up and walked up to the apartment door, unlocking it and going inside. I followed the sounds of Gemma and Sharon talking into the kitchen. They were seated at the table. Water was boiling in the teapot.

"Hey!" I greeted them enthusiastically. Sharon recognized me and smiled.

"Hey! I remember you from earlier. Do you live here?" She asked me.

"Yea, I gave my roommate your phone to give to you because I have class. I came back because I forgot something," I said before heading down the hall to where the bedrooms were, but instead of going into my bedroom, I went into Gemma's. I headed straight for her dresser and opened her jewelry box. There in a little tiny baggy, was exactly what I was looking for. I removed two ecstasy pills from the baggy, returned the baggy to the jewelry box and closed the jewelry box. Now that I had what I was looking for, I quietly exited Gemma's room. I went back into the kitchen with the ecstasy pills in my hand.

"So, I just checked my email and my class is cancelled too so I could've given you your phone myself," I told them. Just then, the teapot began whistling. "Let me get that for you! You don't have to get up," I said to Gemma as I briskly made my way over to it and removed it from the stove. With my back to them, I dropped the two ecstasy pills into the hot water. I turned around to face Gemma and Sharon wearing a huge grin. I placed the teapot on the table between them and then went to retrieve two large mugs from the cabinet, moving slowly so that the E pills had time to dissolve. I placed one mug in front of Gemma and the other in front of Sharon. Then I brought out the sugar and tea bags.

"How do you take your tea?" I asked Sharon. "Gemma likes hers with vanilla almond milk."

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance