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With any luck, I could join his little team, hack into the office computers, and find evidence we could use to bring Sean and Patsy O’Connor’s playhouse tumbling down.

Sean said he would text me his address and looked forward to seeing me around eight. I thanked him for the opportunity to work with him, shook his hand, and tried not to click my heels together as I left the room.

I did shake my ass a little as I sashayed out the door. I didn’t have to look over my shoulder to see if he was watching. I could feel his eyes burning into my ass like a laser beam

I waited until I was safely in my car and headed to the station before calling Ed to let him know that I’d just gotten a job. I did not mention that I had been invited to Sean’s apartment for a dinner party. I’d wait and spring that one on Ed in person so he could give me the requisite lecture.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a little excited about spending time with Sean O’Connor, in more ways than one.

I knew Sean O’Connor’s invitation to a going away party for Boozie Hamilton was just a ruse to get me alone. I knew that there would be no other guests at his apartment when I showed up, which was just fine with me.

I knew that getting close to Sean was the key to getting the evidence we needed to bring down his father’s operation. And the way he looked at me during the interview told me that he had one thing on his mind and that was what was between my legs.

I had to admit, my panties were more than a little damp when I left the interview. Criminal or not, Sean O’Connor made my blood boil like no man had before.

The question that kept running through my mind was: how far was I willing to go to get the evidence we needed? And exactly what would it take to get him to let his guard down?

Would I let him kiss me?

Would I let him touch me?

Would I touch him?

Would I let him squeeze my nipples and slip his fingers inside my…?

Whoa there, girl…

/> Getting a little ahead of yourself with that one.

I knew I would be walking a fine line. Ed reminded me of that fact a dozen times when I got to his office to tell him about my date with Sean.

“I think we should wire you up and have the team outside his apartment, just in case,” he said, giving me a hard stare as I sat across the desk, still wearing the gray suit that showed off my long legs. His eyes followed the movement of my legs as I crossed them.

“Just in case what?” I asked, giving him a blank stare like I didn’t know what he was talking about.

He nodded at the cleavage that was peeking out over the top of my camisole. “Just in case you need backup.”

“I don’t think I’ll need backup,” I said. “It’s just a dinner. I doubt he’ll reveal any deep, dark family secrets right out of the gate.”

I glanced over my shoulder. Ed’s door was closed, but the rest of the team was watching us through the window from the squad room. Danzig was out there, eyeing me like I was a piece of meat in a butcher shop window.

Ed sighed and held out his hands. “Okay, let’s talk about what you can and cannot do undercover.”

“I know the rules, Ed,” I said. “I’ve worked undercover in Vice, remember? Don’t worry, I’m not going to mess this up.”

There were very few restrictions on how far an undercover police officer could go in the pursuit of criminal activity. I could drink with him, dance with him, even sleep with him. I could do pretty much anything my undercover personality would do except participate in the harming of others.

I also knew that a good defense attorney would eat me alive on the stand if I did indeed cross that moral line because it called into question my credibility. However, if I was able to collect solid evidence that was indisputable through my efforts, regardless of how I obtained it, the case should hold up in court.

So, long as I didn’t infringe on his constitutional rights, I could – and would – do whatever I had to do to put the entire O’Connor clan behind bars.

The founding fathers didn’t include anything specifically barring the fucking of a suspect in the constitution.

Was this a great country or what?


My cock plumped in my pants as I watched Claire Goodman saunter her cute ass out of my office. I licked my lips like a hungry wolf watching a lamb grazing casually in a beautiful meadow, imagining the taste of her on my lips and tongue when I went in for the kill.

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance