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My entire body was convulsing by that point. I was a rag doll, entirely at the whim of his movement as he held me there, moving in and out of me with such precision and speed. The sound of our flesh slapping together echoed throughout the room. My mind was spinning and before I knew what was happening, I was gripping onto the couch and holding on for dear life, crying out in pleasure.

“Oh God!” over and over again since I didn't know his name.

His nails were buried into the flesh of my ass as he pummelled himself deep inside of me one last time, sending my body bucking wildly against him, squirming against him as I came hard. Harder than I had in a long time – if ever.

My whole body felt like it was on fire. I needed this. Oh, God, I needed this tonight. After years of terrible sex with Charlie, to be fucked by someone like this guy – whatever his name was – had been a blessing. More than I'd hoped for when I set out on my mission earlier in the evening. And he was driving me absolutely wild.

I could tell by his frantic, nearly frenzied movements that he was close – and I remembered at the last minute about the lack of a condom. I was on the pill, so pregnancy was not a concern for me. And it was already too late to worry about any diseases really, so I did the only thing I could do – I just pushed myself backward into him, taking him deeper inside of me one last time as he spilled his seed, cumming inside of me with one, long, loud animalistic groan.

And afterward, he just held me there for a few moments, still laying on top of me, still sheathed inside of me. We both relaxed against each other as my heartbeat slowly returned to normal. He gently put my feet back down on the ground and helped me stand up, sliding out of me as I did. His cum slid down my legs as I got to my feet, and I had to admit, it was pretty damn hot.

“Follow me,” he said, taking me by the hand.

“Where are we going?” I asked, my legs feeling a bit wobbly.

“To bed,” he said. “But just to sleep, I swear.”

I wanted to argue with him, to tell him I should get going. Staying overnight with somebody hadn't been my plan, hadn't been what I'd set out to do that evening, and it would be awkward to wake up next to him in the morning. But I was so tired, I wasn't sure I could even get dressed. And sleep, letting my body rest for a bit, sounded absolutely wonderful at the moment.

We curled up, naked, in his bed, our bodies, still slick with the sweat from our exertions, pressed together. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we spooned – an awkward position when you hardly know a person. I appreciated the cuddling, but deep down, it all felt so odd to me. This was the first time I'd ever slept with someone like this – my first one night stand – and I was so confused as to whether this was normal or not. I eventually drifted off to sleep, but I didn't sleep well. I kept waking up disoriented, not sure of where I was at, and feeling out of place.

Eventually, around four that morning, I'd had enough. He was snoring away, in a deep sleep, and I figured it was probably the best time to sneak out. I'd call a cab and catch a ride home before he woke up, sparing us both the awkwardness of the morning after, of having to make conversation. Hell, we didn't even know each other's names – could it be any more awkward?

Before leaving the bedroom, I looked back at him, resting peacefully and had to smile. He was gorgeous, so incredibly sexy, and we'd shared something last night. There was a connection between us – at least on a physical level. Our bodies had communicated in a way that we hadn't been able to verbally.

It was most definitely something I wouldn't soon forget. He'd given me more than an orgasm; he'd helped me realize that there were other men out there. Men who would find me desirable. Sexy, even. Charlie, wasn't it for me, and I deserved better. I could have thanked him for that – but I wasn't going to stick around to do that. I wanted to be long gone before he ever woke up.

I slipped quietly from his bedroom and moved on tiptoes down the hall. I picked up my clothes from the living room floor and quickly got dressed. Once I'd dressed and had slipped out of his house, I'd called for a cab.

Standing on the curb outside, I turned around and admired his house. It really was a magnificent home, and I had to wonder why he was living there all by himself. Unless, of course, he wasn't. Maybe he had a wife who was out of town. I knew absolutely nothing about this man. He very well could have an entire family off at Disneyland for all I knew.

It just didn't add up to me. A guy like him living in a large house like that all by himself? How did he afford it? Why did he choose to live in such a big place all alone?

But I didn't spend too much time questioning it. None of it mattered. After all, I was never going to see him again, so wondering over his living arrangement didn't matter. Once the cab pulled up, I gave the driver my address and felt relief as we drove away. I'd managed to have a night of intense pleasure with no awkwardness after. As much as I'd have loved to fuck him again someday, it just wasn't in the cards.

I didn't have time for a rebound boyfriend, not right now. And I knew better than to expect anything from a guy who takes a girl home to fuck without so much as knowing her name. As nice as he might have seemed – and he did seem nice – he didn't put off the vibe that he wanted something serious.

Which was a blessing because truthfully, neither did I.


By the time I got home, it was after five in the morning. I groaned when I looked at the clock, realizing that I had to work a few hours later. I put on some coffee and trudged down the hall so I could shower and get ready for the day.

As I stared in the mirror, I could see the exhaustion written all over my face. But along with the dark circles and red, puffy eyes, there was something else there too. I smiled in the mirror and it felt genuine. For the first time in a long time, I was smiling again. There was a lightness to my spirit that hadn't been there for a long, long time. Charlie hadn't broken me, thank God.

I applied concealer to my under-eye circles, but kept the makeup pretty minimal. Nothing like I'd worn on my night out. I had no one I needed to impress at work. I just needed to look professional and clean. My hair was thick and long, and I didn't want to blow dry it, so I pulled it back in a bun, pinning it in place as I straightened my side-swept bangs.

I looked in the mirror again after fixing myself up and nodded approvingly. You could hardly tell I was tired. Okay, maybe if you looked close enough, you could see it. But I looked better than I had before at least. And being tired was okay. No one had to know the reason for why I'd gotten so little sleep the night before. My personal life wasn't their business.

I lef

t a few minutes early and stopped at Starbucks, grabbing a coffee before catching the BART into the city. As I waited in line, I felt confident and happy, which was a really nice change of pace for me. As I approached the barista, I smiled at the familiar face and ordered my usual.

“Vanilla latte with soy milk, no whip, please.”

“Sure thing, Amelia,” the girl said, remembering my name even though I couldn't remember hers. “And the Americano as well? Like usual?”

My heart sank. “Uhh no thank you.”

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance