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We stand at the edge and look out at the city, enjoying the lights flickering around us, the wonderful aromatic scent of the flowers, the music, and everything is perfect, just as I wanted it to be. This is a moment I want to capture in my mind forever.

“We might have to go and tell my mom soon, she’s probably dying at home.”

“Did she know you were going to do this?” Nova asks.

“Of course, she did. I needed her help to make it perfect.”

“Wow, well you certainly succeeded there. This couldn’t be better.”

“The perfect start to our happy ever after.”

Real life isn’t ever like a fairy tale, not really, nor is it normally like an action movie either. Usually, it’s just normal, but with Nova, never mundane. I honestly enjoy all the little things with her, even the moments when we’re on the couch watching TV, half asleep. With her, everything is an adventure, and I just can’t wait to see what each day will bring. Each one is better than the last which bodes well for the future.

“I don’t know how you’re going to top this, romance-wise,” Nova warns me. “You’re going to have to go all out for the wedding to even compete. Which will be hard because I don’t want a big show off do, just something lovely for us.”

“Don’t you worry about that.” I press my lips to the top of her head. “I have some plans. Just you wait and see.”

Epilogue – Nova

Six months later…

“Do I look okay?” I ask Clara while anxiously brushing down my dress. “Is this beach suitable? You don’t think I’m going to look silly?”

“This is your wedding day! Of course, you don’t look silly. You look beautiful.”

The knee length lace detailed sweetheart neckline dress is a massive stretch away from the sleek ivory designer gown I wore for my first wedding, but that was all acting. This might be on a fantasy white Hawaiian beach, like a scene from a movie, but it’s much more real.

“Zane really pulled it out the bag, didn’t he?”

I smile at my best friend and nod. “Yeah, he did an incredible job. I’m so happy.”

We both glide our eyes over to the beach, happiness shining through us. I never could have asked for a better wedding, or a better man, this is so damn perfect it hurts. Of all the shit that I’ve had to put up with, this makes it all worth it. Of course, I would much prefer my mom and dad to be here, but this is the first time I’ve ever assumed they might be proud of me.

“Okay, so I think we should get going,” Clara says with a smile, her eyes scanning my face. “Your groom awaits. Are you ready for it?”

“Oh yes, I’m more than ready. This is a marriage that I know will work.”

The funny thing is I don’t ever think of Jeremy anymore. I’m much too busy living my incredible life, but this is the first moment that I do. I wonder how he’s getting on locked away in his damn cell. I wonder if he’s thinking about all the terrible things that he’s done to me and he’s regretful, or maybe he’s planning revenge. Either way, he’s a million miles away from me in so many various ways. I’m honestly not worried.

Clara takes my arm and we walk down to the beach. There in the scattering of seats, I see Zane’s mother and her boyfriend, Dan, and Kem, who all are the most important people in our lives. And in front of everyone is Zane, standing ahead of the officiant with a giant grin on his face. He looks stunning in his suit which he insisted on wearing despite the heat.

“You look stunning,” he mouths as I walk towards him to the steel drums playing. At the moment, I actually feel like a princess which is incredible. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Clara gets me to the front and I take Zane’s hands, the electricity zinging through me as I do. Still, even now after all this time, he makes me feel wonderful.

“Aloha!” the officiant announces. “Thank you all for coming today. We are here to witness the glorious union of Zane Black and Nova Curtis. Today, they are about to embark on a wonderful new journey of their lives, joining their hearts and making them one.”

I like the way it sounds, it makes my heart race faster. As I smile at Zane, I know that every day our lives will be filled with love and I absolutely cannot wait for it.

“Not many people know, that Aloha also means love in Hawaii, and today, you are declaring your aloha and promising to be life mates forever. A declaration that you will affirm with these.” He then hands us lei’s and we throw them over each other’s necks. It’s such a funny way to show our love for one another, but I adore it. “These are a symbol of your union, the combining of your hearts and minds, you’re weaving into one another’s tapestry.”

He looks at us both, his grin matching ours. While he might not be able to see everything that went on underneath the surface to bring us here, I’m sure he can see the love we share.

“A good marriage is compiled of little things that make up the big things, it’s holding hands as often as you can, it’s never going to bed angry. It’s appreciating the life you have together, never jealously looking for me. So, with that in mind, it’s time for your vows.”

Zane takes a deep breath and he goes first. “Nova, I am so happy to call you my wife, I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together. You are my one true love and I cannot wait to spend every day together until we are old and grey. I will always love you faithfully, be there to celebrate the good times and to console you through the bad. I will look after you if you’re sick and enjoy our time together when we’re all good. I think I have already shown you that I’ll be there through anything and I will continue to do so forever. My life is yours.”

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance