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“Your mom?” Immediately I gather the sheets up to cover up my body. “On a video call?”

“Yes. I should answer it. Introduce the two of you properly.”

“I hardly think she wants to see me this way. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on…”

“Mom won’t mind, she understands how life works…”

But I don’t listen. I bound up from the bed before Zane can answer the call and I bound into the bathroom, needing to get clothes. It doesn’t matter what Zane says to me, I won’t let her see me half-naked in her son’s bed. Adults or not, I don’t think it’s appropriate.

Once in the bathroom, I clutch onto the sink and gasp, trying to get my breath steady. Zane already told me that she isn’t sure about me and him, that because of her own experience she thinks I might be clinging to him for emotional support. Just another man to fill the hole of the last one. Of course, he didn’t say it that way exactly, but I can read between the lines. I know what she assumes. I really don’t want to be seen as a user.

I also know that she must hate me because of what Jeremy did. He nearly destroyed Zane, and sure, he has things back on the right track now, but if it wasn’t for me, that wouldn’t have happened. I’m not stupid, I know how I must look to the outside world.

“Just remember that you love him,” I remind my wild-eyed reflection in the mirror. “And that, however it might seem to others, you are genuine, and you do love him. That’s all that matters.”

I try to let those words soak in, but they don’t really, and anxiety continues to spike me as I hear the muffled sounds of Zane speaking to his mother.

“Hiding won’t help things. Face her, make her see the truth.”

I grab a tee shirt and some pajama bottoms, then I scrape my hair back into a ponytail. I don’t know if I could ever be classed as some sort of sexual prowess, but I still want to look as demure as possible, to put across the right impression.

“It’s going to be fine,” I convince myself. “It has to be fine.”

Then, with nothing but trepidation in my heart, I click the bathroom door open quietly and I step outside. Zane doesn’t look up for a couple of moments, he’s completely engrossed in what his mother is saying, but when he does his face breaks out into a giant grin.

“Ah, Nova. Did you want to come and say hi to my mom?”

He gives me a reassuring look which works as little as my own little pep talk, but I nod anyway. With my whole body shaking, I step closer to the laptop and I see his mom come to life on the screen. She’s friendly looking, that’s the first thing that strikes me, and beautiful too. Paris must be good for her, it seems to bring a light out in her.

“So, you are the woman who is making my son so happy?”

I shift uncomfortably. “Y… yes, I hope so.”

“And it looks like he’s making you happy too? Which is a wonderful thing after what you’ve been through.” When I don’t immediately answer, she knots her eyebrows together. “Ah, I se

e. Zane told you of my worries? He always has been a refreshingly honest person.”

“He told me a little,” I admit.

“Well, I was worried at first. For you as much as him. I know what it’s like to be in that place and to search for comfort. I just didn’t want you all to suffer.”

“You must have been mad when you heard about what happened with the business.”

“I was worried. Not mad. And Zane has managed to sort it out, so it has all ended well.”

“Yes.” I do take great comfort from her words. “I suppose you’re right.”

“Exactly. Now, since it looks like you and Zane are going to go the long haul, I would love to meet you. I would like you both to come to Paris at some point.”

“Oh, Paris.” I clutch my hand to my chest as if in a day dream. “That sounds amazing.”

“Well, you are always welcome.”

Zane’s hands comforting rest on my shoulder and I automatically bring one of my hands up to meet his. His skin feels amazing under my hand, my heart races with sheer glee. This is going so much better than I expected, better than I ever could have hoped for. I must be the luckiest woman alive.

“Okay, well I will let you talk to Zane, I’m sure you two have a lot to say to one another…”

“Oh no, we’ve done our talking. I will say goodbye to both of you now.”

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance