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“No, but it was always going to happen, wasn’t it? Those people are trouble.”

“It isn’t Nova’s fault, it’s her asshole husband.”

“Uh oh, I can hear something in your voice there…”

“What do you mean?”

Dan pauses thoughtfully. “Do you like this Nova? Is that why her husband is pissed?”

“I…” I automatically want to deny it, but I can’t.

“Oh no, Zane, that is trouble. Falling for a client.”

“I never said I was falling for anyone.”

“No, but I can tell. You know that’s so wrong. You’ll end up in so much trouble. You could actually lose everything. And if her husband has it in for you then you really are risking too much.”

My words get stuck in my throat, I don’t know what to say to Dan because I know that he’s right. It’s all well and good getting lost in the feelings I have for Nova when we’re safe in my home, but there is a big wide world out there and I could lose all that I’ve worked for.

All the words of warning that I’ve received race through me, making me doubt everything. I really do deserve everything bad that’s happening to me, and now I cannot stop it.

I’m fucked.



I pace the room, unable to stop for even a moment, anxiety zig-zagging through me as I walk. I’ve chewed my thumbnail down to my finger, but I can’t stop biting. This is horrible. It’s the worst thing to ever happen. And it isn’t even happening to me, that’s the worst thing. The threatening texts that I’ve been receiving from Jeremy and trying to ignore have come to nothing, not with me anyway. He’s decided to target Zane instead.

This is a million times worse. It’s hurting someone that I actually care about, but I suppose it’s typical of Jeremy. He will want to take me down and anyone who’s helped me, without ruining his reputation.

Zane is being really closed off as well, I think that makes it harder than ever. I don’t know what’s going on his mind, which is destroying me. He didn’t even tell me about the initial drug raid, I just thought that he was having a bad day. It wasn’t until it started to be in the news that I learned anything about it.

Now, he’s slipping through my fingers like sand. I can’t get hold of him however hard I try.

Ring, ring… ring, ring…

I grab my cell phone the moment it rings, desperate to see if it’s Zane. He’s at the office so much that I barely see him, but it isn’t his name that comes across my screen. It is someone else I want to speak to though.

“Hi, Clara. How are you? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah… is everything alright with you? Sorry I’ve only just called, I was bushed and out when we got back. I’ve just come around and saw all this stuff about Zane. The drugs thing…”

I burst into tears, the emotion that I’ve kept bottled up finally coming out. “It’s Jeremy, I’m sure of it.”

“He’s started this?” I can hear the frustration in Clara’s tone. “I was worried something would happen.”

“Yeah, I know you were worried. I’m sorry, I should have listened to you…”

“It’s okay. I understand, you reacted because you were scared. Where are you staying now?”

“I’m still staying with Zane…”

“You’re still there? No, I think you need to get away before you anger Jeremy more. Come to stay here.”

“I don’t want to get in the way of you and Kem. It’s your anniversary period. You just got back from your trip, you don’t want me hanging around and getting in the way…”

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance