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“Then give me what I want!”

I grab his butt and pull him into me. Thankfully, he doesn’t need any more convincing, he comes willingly, filling me up. I damn near explode with bliss as he does. I can feel words and sounds vibrating in my throat with every intense thrust, but I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m flying high, soaring above myself, swimming in the pleasure. The tingles race through my veins, the butterflies transform to birds, I cave to every bit of the sensations he’s giving me. My nails pierce his skin, I can only feel him, Zane is the only thing connecting me to the planet…

Then the orgasm hits me hard, like a powerful tsunami, and it washes over me in waves. I crumble and buckle through the pleasure, loving Zane more than I should with every fiber within me. My cells explode like fireworks, I scream loudly, my chest vibrating with every delightful moment. Especially when Zane’s body succumbs to the bliss too, and we share some of the powerful releases together. I never want this to end…

Bleep, bleep.

“Oh, God, is that my phone?” I pull apart from Zane reluctantly, never wanting to leave his embrace, and grab it. “Might as well pop to the bathroom now I’ve moved. I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll get us something to drink. More ice water...”

I shoot him a smile, almost forgetting about the message until I open it, which means I’m alone when I see the words that my husband has so carefully crafted for me. The number might not be the one I know, but the words are.

Unknown Number: I’m coming for you.

Then, attached, is a picture of Zane’s business card that the women’s charity gave me in the first place, which he must have found in the stuff I left behind. I glance backward, wondering if I should tell him and ruin this magical evening. I don’t want to, but maybe it’s for the best.

Unknown Number: Keep this warning to yourself, or there’s no telling what will happen.

Oh God, maybe I shouldn’t. Perhaps I need to figure out a way to deal with Jeremy myself, I’m the one who knows him best after all. Or I should, being his wife. This divorce would also end things quicker too, so I could always focus on that. Then I can be free to live my life without him…




The loud knock at my office door alerts me to something new. This isn’t a typical visit from one of my clients, nor is it my receptionist. It’s bad, I can just tell. I get an immediate ice-cold sensation in my gut. I bolt into a standing position, waiting to see who the hell is going to burst through that door. Memories of the message run through my brain, the threats from some unknown source, someone very annoyed by me.

“Who… who is it?”

The door bursts open, and in come the police, complete with uniforms, guns, and dogs.

“Zane Black?” I nod mutely. “We have a warrant to search your office…”

“What?” I throw my hands in the air in confusion. “What the hell are you going to search my office for?”


The officer lets the dogs roam free and the sniff everywhere around. This is ridiculous like a nightmare come true, I don’t even know what I’m seeing, my brain can’t process it.

“What are you talking about? Why would there be drugs here?”

“We’ve had reports that you are involved in the Vegas drug ring.”

“The Vegas what?” This cannot be happening! “Drug ring? I don’t know any drug ring.”

The officer sighs and stares at me like I’m a piece of dirt under his shoe. “We have had multiple complaints about you and your business. You are a known associate of shady people…”

“What shady people? I don’t know any shady people. That isn’t me. I’m a lawyer, a well-known lawyer who works with the local women’s charity. I don’t have any time to get involved with shady people.”

“The amount of times we hear from criminals that they ‘don’t have time’ is ridiculous.”

“But I don’t, just look at my schedule.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Black, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I want to argue, there are so many things that I want to say, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea to argue, so I force my head to hang low and I exit my office. My blood burns hotly through my body, taking a very angry temper with it. I just don’t understand where this has all of a sudden come from. I haven’t ever had trouble with the law before, because I’ve never done anything to invite it in. So, why now?

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance